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RSS Lexid523

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
0 points

Replace North Carolina with Indiana, and you've got Kurt Vonnegut, who

a) fought in WWII

b) was a self-described socialist, and

c) opposed the war in Iraq

How does he fit into your scheme of patriotism?

Patriotism has nothing to do with one's politics or one's stance on specific issues. Patriotism is about supporting the country, not necessarily its current government. Patriotism is most definitely NOT about agreeing with the government no matter what, and Thomas Jefferson would weep at the implication.

1 point

Shirley Schmidt from Boston Legal. Smart, successful, witty, and classy with excellent leadership skills. I hope I can be like her when I'm that age

2 points

You have never read a Captain America comic in your life have you?

I mean, clearly you are familiar with recent events in the Marvel Universe (something you easily could have learned when the media reported on Cap's death). But the only other characters you have referred to are ones who have had movies made about them recently. You called the Punisher a superhero, which no one who actually reads comics does. As for Iron Man "hating" weapons-- No. He stopped making weapons because they found their way into the hands of America's enemies.

As for Captain America, in the comics he has always been portrayed, not as some twisted caricature of 1950s values like American Dad, but instead as the pure American ideal. He is found in the words of the Declaration of Independence, Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, and Dr. King's I Have A Dream. He is not a liberal. He is not a conservative. He is an American-- THE American.

By the way, "Hollywood" is not making the movie; Marvel Studios is. They'll handle the character right.

1 point

Absolutely. If he's portrayed as he has been in the comics for the past 50 years or so (with perhaps special emphasis on Ed Brubaker's current run) he will help remind America what we once did and should continue to stand for in the future. It would help heal the country's long, dark malaise of the past eight years. Furthermore, if international reaction to the last election is anything to go by, the entire WORLD is eager to see an America that lives up to its own ideals again, so while Washington will (hopefully) be putting them into practice, Hollywood can at least offer them a pure, human embodiment of those ideals.

(On a personal note, I'd love it if Mark Valley got the role ^_^)

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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Alexa D.
Gender: Female
Age: 36
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States
Education: In College

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