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RSS Madmanbootie

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

yes and no, there can never be true world peace with free will, but the individual's perception of the world will make the experience a peaceful one. unless we build a super central AI that will take care of all the needs of the human, but there will always be human beings who disagree with the society in which they live. But do we, at this stage have enough freedom to formulate freewill and what it means to be truly peaceful. I say no. Its not that we won't have world peace, is that I have no idea at this point, so going with popular trends is a no, but in terms of possibility then yes. A dream will only come true if enough people believe in it, are people becoming more destructive, or is the soup being stirred for the last time in a desperate final attempt from the darkness, so world peace is whatever you perceive with your inner vision then through your actions making other people realize the same vision, when everyone has the same vision, the world is changed. Who is to say we don't already have world peace in that we just don't realize it and continue to wallow. It's like pulling out the power core of a spinning fan and because the fan still have residual motion from the once plugged power source, the human is so impatient to wait for the fan to stop that we continue to spin the fan with our hands fueled by emotion. sorry to say, the lack of peace is each individual's fault rather than outside influences.

1 point

A genius is a madman who has conquered their emotions while the madman continues to spin and wallow even after knowing they will achieve no difference from their display of emotions.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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