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RSS Midgesdad1

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Why should there be a meaning of life it is just a sentence created by intelligent animals to try to justify their existence similar to the churches inventing a god to

justify their existence while at the same time building up great masses of wealth and control/power over the poor sods they con.

A more complex explanation for why there is life would be to first consider what we are able to deduce from our own surroundings and intelligence for example we the human are the most intelligent being/lifeform that we know over all other lifeforms, planets, stars etc although we have nothing else to compare ourselves against

The other thing to consider is for all we have achieved the one main thing that controls our destiny our survival is our Sun/Star/Atom but this does not have any concious thought movement or comprehension of its surroundings

But our sun surely cannot be there just to control our existence and eventually our demise along with all the trillions of other suns/stars

Consider this, what if us the lifeform/Entirity are surviving close to an atom (The Sun) inside another entirity (The Universe) which if we could observe would be surviving with a whole new set of entirity's alongside another Sun/Star Atom

in another entirity and so on

If this was correct it would explain the big bang the birth/conception of the Universe/Entirity along with how the universe started as a soupy existance and is growing/ageing exactly like ourselves perhaps we may have some lifeforms living alongside atoms in our entirity/lifeform

Some doubters would say that the proportions and distancies would be far too great. But why would that be the case given our own limited ability to see (or ever see) the whole picture

If I am on the right track it would give our sun a purpose, that being a part of the make up of a large entity

Also along with us being such a minute part of the universe/entity we wouldn't appreciate any movement or have any knowledge of what we were a part of

The universe is growing and perhaps like us all the atoms are moving outward in all directions this could be part of the ageing mechanism for both us and the universe

If all this was close to being correct where would that leave religion

I think probably nowhere and we would all be better served going back to worshipping the Sun

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