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RSS Mismantha

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree somewhat with your statement. The fact that the New England colonies were Puritan were both beneficial, and detrimental. Religion caused a lot of dispute about how much power they were alloted, things weren't always so simple.

1 point

There are many leaders that were well-educated. For example, John Winthrop. He became the Massachusetts Bay's first governor. He was a successful attorney, and previously was a manor lord in England. It doesn't directly say he is well-educated, but wouldn't one make an educated guess for him to be smart, for him to be a successful attorney? As for religion, if Winthrop did not receive what he believed to be a 'calling' from god, he wouldn't have supported the religious experiment known as Puritanism. They shared a belief called the 'Protestant Ethic' which had a large impact on the colonies success. It involved serious commitment to work.

1 point

Another point to make why New England colonies were more successful since a shared sense was among the first settlers. Also, since majority of the Englishmen left the colonies to the West Indies or Barbados, yet some of the colonies still remained STRONG and withheld with the short population

1 point

I believe New England colonies were more successful due to the fact they had well educated leader. Their economy had prospered do to fur trading, fishing and shipbuilding becoming important industries. Out of all the New England outposts, Massachusetts Bay Colony was one of the biggest/most influential of them all. They also had a strong belief with god - giving them hope to look positively toward their future.


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