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RSS Mj123

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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

no we should not fear god,. we should fear one another, man itself is what you should fear.............................

1 point

leave them poor dicks alone.............................................................................................................

1 point

at the time it seemed a good idea, or it would not have happened...

1 point

perhaps for argument sake, perhaps we should just call them murderous, bastards......

1 point

the woman did it to herself, sad she abused herself this way, she was supposed to be a good role model for the younger fans, what alet down she turned out to be.. everybody who know her could see this happening, ...

1 point

what i cant understand is the kid had food in its sight, god provided for him, didnt he notice the big vulture behind him....should have roasted the bird on the fire. yum miss millies, or kentuky chicken.............................

1 point

well to all you men, i thought you would have said, the best job , is a blowjob,. but you did not , so id have to say the armed forces, as thats the only time youre allowed to blow up people you dont like....... get rid of the people you hate.......

1 point

who cares, what crap........................................................................................................................................................................

1 point

yes yes yes yes .very interesting........................................................................................................

1 point

yes sometimes, the foster parent for that certain child can be match up wrong , with the needs of a child,, they dont always get it right.. its cruel in the first place children have to be there in the first place.people should not be allowed to have kids if they cant cut it becoming a parent, its a very big step becoming a parent and should not be taken lightly, because if it goes wrong, the kids have to suffer and take the rap, for there parents actions, if they die of course they cant help it. a foster parent trys their best, to help the child, through support emotionaly but it is not the same having your parent can take a long to for someone to adopt a child, and in the mean time the poor kids are in the system, floating between foster home after foster home, they are waiting for that permante home. sometimes they go to adopted parents, if that does not work out they go back to a foster parent.... i am looking into fostering and adoption, been told cant appy do both, i have to do one or the other.. it usets me there are so many kids out there wanting a loving family, it breaks my heart, why is this happening ,society is letting them down. yes alot of the time it does screw them up, and there are few that are not hurt by maybe theres an agruement in this why do the mothers have the pregnancy in the first place, there giving up their babies to a system that is not working well..... is it. my friend was brought up this way, he does not want kids of his own because of this... shame, if that was me id have kids, and give them what id never had , and love them the opposite to what, there life was.. positive thinking......

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