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RSS Monkeysigns

Reward Points:1
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2 points

There is something here that most of your arguments are missing. It is a job requirement that the leaders of our country be civil to each other across the floor of politics and debate. If all the representatives on both sides of the aisle decide to abandon reason and simply start insulting each other then this country is well and surely doomed to die of stagnation. You cannot win an argument by simply say calling someone a dummy and a coward. You must prove the validity of your position with fact and intelligent thought. The reason this must be done is because when your debating the future of an entire country of people you have to know every possible outcome or consequence of that decision. No one on this Earth is perfect so no one person can know every possible outcome this is why we essentially crowd source these decisions in order to flesh out the best possible solution that works for every citizen as best we can and that can only be done through intelligent debate from both sides.

I do want to be clear about something here I'm not attacking Clinton for saying what she said, I very much understand that she has suffered more than her fair share of abuse at the hands of her opponents undisciplined mouths and I can understand her anger. Despite that I would encourage people to think about the last time the Democratic party refused to be civil and instead chose to be angry and impulsive. I believe it was around 1860. Now I am not saying that this will cause Civil War I am saying that the consequences for the leaders of our government acting without thought can be devastating. We already have incredible amounts of childishness running amok in our government we do not need more.

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