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RSS Moosin1

Reward Points:6
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree with you. Slaves were treated really harshly. And because of Darwinism and survival of the fittest, they were treated even worse. Darwin's theory gave the white people more of a chance to pick on blacks. Darwin's theory was survival of the fittest. The whites believed that whites were the best and the blacks weren't "human".So they decided to treat them badly because they weren't as good as whites.

1 point

Yes, I agree with you. Darwinism and Social Darwinism are very similar. That is why they have the same root word. But just because they have the same word in it doesn't mean they are similar. They have a couple of differences. Darwinism is when the environment picks the traits and social Darwinism is when humans pick the traits.

1 point

Social Darwinism is a theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals. It is a social theory which states that the level a person rises to in society and wealth is determined by their genetic background. In nature, only the fittest survived, which is applied to races as well as species.Darwinism is that species originate by descent, with variation, from parent forms, through the natural selection of those individuals best adapted for the reproductive success of their kind. A similarity they both have is that they involve natural selection one way or another

1 point

Yes, i agree with you. Artificial selection and eugenics are almost the same thing. They both give you the ability to choose what traits you want the offspring to have. So Darwin's theory does contribute to eugenics.

1 point

Yes, i agree that Darwin's concepts contributed to Eugenics. Eugenics is the theory that humans can influence our own evolution, through selective breeding, or genetic enhancement. Humans can choose what offspring will be produced by artificial selection. Artificial selection is when humans pick the traits an offspring can have. So, humans can influence their own evolution by artificial selection.

0 points

The nazi group and Hitler wasn't during Charles Darwin's time. Hittler was born a couple years after Charles Darwin died.

1 point

In Europe and America, slavery was going on. He saw how the slaves were being treated and how nobody liked them. He compared himself to the slaves. If the slaves didn't look like him, they weren't classified as humans. He said that colored people were related to apes more than to humans. Slavery influenced Darwin even more. He used this to help prove his theory of evolution and natural selection.

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