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RSS Mpapaya

Reward Points:13
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

NWO is just a theory, and will pretty much never occur. It is an interesting philosophical topic to discuss, however. But its likelihood of it happening is about 0.00001%.

1 point

We thought many, many things would have happened by the year 2000. However, many of them did not, in fact occur. For example, the world would end, we would have flying cars. I think the only advancements we will see in the next 3 years are technological advancements, such as devices with the iphone, gps's, ipods, computers, etc. Also, we will see this up and down with the economic recession we are in.

3 points

1. How do you deal with people that aren't accepting of your lifestyle?

2. Do you still practice your relgion even if it may not be accepting of your lifestyle?

3. Do you believe we will see within our next generation that gay marriage will be legalized and much more accepting?

4. If you have children, what would they call you and your partner? [ie: if they shout "mom!" all the time, both of you would be turning]

5. How do I better explain to people it is a lifestyle that they were born with and to simply accept it. They're probably not judging you for being heterosexual, so why judge them for being homosexual?

1 point

For the post on the other side.....

Not everybody believes in the bible. Maybe by your god the marriage wont be legal, but that doesnt mean they still cant get married and be recognized by the state. Many people dont have religions so it shouldnt matter if other religions think its wrong.

Second, you said "Some results of same sex hook up, and unions are taking away eligible men from the pool of heterosexual men." I hope you understand that you can't just turn someone gay. And obviously gays are not taking away eligible heterosexual men because most heterosexual men would not go around hooking up with other men. If they are, then they most likely have been gay their whole lives.

Third, you said "...leading to the loss of many potentially great husbands and fathers." In addition to what I stated earlier, a gay man can still be a great husband and partner to another man. They can also BE A FATHER! Gay couples adopt all the time. He will still be the same type of father whether hes with a man or a woman.

Fourth, for many years women couldnt vote, get abortions or be accepted into society. African Americans were sold like property and werent given any rights. Look around you.....we dont live in 52 B.C. anymore!

And lastly, why are you comparing gay people to alcoholics? COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!!! One's a liquor abuse disease; the other is how they were born and its their lifestyle. They don't have a choice. Its who they are.

1 point

You put everything into words very nicely :)

1 point

Not everybody believes in the bible. Maybe by your god the marriage wont be legal, but that doesnt mean they still cant get married and be recognized by the state. Many people dont have religions so it shouldnt matter if other religions think its wrong.

Second, you said "Some results of same sex hook up, and unions are taking away eligible men from the pool of heterosexual men." I hope you understand that you can't just turn someone gay. And obviously gays are not taking away eligible heterosexual men because most heterosexual men would not go around hooking up with other men. If they are, then they most likely have been gay their whole lives.

Third, you said "...leading to the loss of many potentially great husbands and fathers." In addition to what I stated earlier, a gay man can still be a great husband and partner to another man. They can also BE A FATHER! Gay couples adopt all the time. He will still be the same type of father whether hes with a man or a woman.

And lastly, why are you comparing gay people to alcoholics? COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!!! One's a liquor abuse disease; the other is how they were born and its their lifestyle. They don't have a choice. Its who they are.

1 point

If you look at the differences between a marriage and a civil union, there really is not a major difference. However, it is a big difference when you are gay and you want to get married. If it is banned, you cannot say "I am married." You would have to say "I am in a civil union." Many people growing up dream about their wedding day. And if you find that person you want to share the rest of your life with- whether its recognized by the state or recognized religiously- you should still be able to state that and let the world know that you have married the one you love.

0 points

In the Bill of Rights it says that every to be created equal.

This means that if a man can marry a woman, then a man can marry a man, or a woman can marry a woman.

This is not an issue that should be voted on by the people. It is a right that was given to us in 1776 stating that they have a fair shot in getting married, just like everyone else. It should and needs to be overturned!

2 points

Matt Damon is for the most part accurate on his opinion on Sarah Palin. She was mayor of a small town in Alaska, where I'm sure the population isnt as great as many places here in California or other parts of the US. And she also was only Governor for 2 years. That is nearly not enough experience to become the Vice Presidential nominee, or perhaps even the President of the United States someday. She was only picked my McCain because she is a woman, and many feminists will vote for the pair soley based on that fact. There are many other Republicans more qualified to be McCain's potential Vice President, one with more experience and knows more about national and global issues, as opposed to Palin who has only dealt with issues on a city and barely, a state level. I do feel Matt Damon was a little rude, however pretty much what he said was accurate.

2 points

With my extra hour, I would find out what I can do to give back to my community

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"Well-behaved women rarely make history."

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Country: United States
Postal Code: 93940

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