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Reward Points:16
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9 most recent arguments.
2 points

Well I would say the point is mute because racism is clearly dying in the US every generation sees less and less and its because people are realizing that it simply makes no sense to define a persons character based soley on their skin tone. Now the leftist raticals You know the one that started the civil war in part because they wanted to keep slavery alive in this country so much so that they went to the south with their other democrat friends and started a war. Well they would have us believe that nothing has changed after all how else could they get your vote. I say dont worry, because i believe that within 2 generations racism will merely be a history lesson in school.

1 point

Voter id is not about black people, thats the thing!! its always been about illegal immigrants and is proposed as a way to preserve the RIGHT to vote for the citizens of the US. Not racism Its common sense. I mean you have to prove your age to buy things, you have to prove your address to get a bank account, you have to prove your name to get a credit card, but you dont have to prove your a citizen of the US to vote for the very people that make our laws and and protect our rights. That just make no sense. So thats what Liberals do they call those that support it racist as a way to keep that latino vote and at the same time the african american vote as well even though its not about them.

1 point

not willing to say no yet, because i want to see him in a debate, because thats when we see if he is serious and has the ability to be presidential.

2 points

She has show no desire to stop the out of control spending that is quickly sinking this country. that being said. It would all be pointless if republicans would just get out and vote. we still lead this country 2 to 1 over dems. and if we all got off our butts and voted, republicans would never lose an election.

1 point

If that national service was something other than armed forces then yes, also it would have to be something in this country not abroad. I think young people in the USA today are in need of lessons only learned by interacting with a wide variety of people and situations and many levels of society. Only then will they truly be ready to lead our country into the future.

1 point

First you have to look at the liberal state of mind that says take the stand that gets the votes. Once you accept that fact. then you can ask the question Why would immigrants risk everything to come to this country It makes little sense that they would flee a country where they live in constant fear and have no hope for a decent future, and make there way here and suddenly wants those same people they fled from to also come here. realizing that will then tell you Trump was speaking not for himself but for those in this country that fled that fear and still fear the backlash from speaking out. Macy's is simply another liberal vying not for votes but for dollars and therefore takes the stance that will most likely lead to that end.

1 point

So what your saying is We should pay taxes in life and in death. If our government does not see a difference in its citizens being alive or dead that tells me that to our government we are truly nothing more than a dollar amount. If this is true then we are in serious trouble.

1 point

He is smart, tough, and seems honest, and stands by his convictions, but allows room for change if so convinced. which is a very good quality in prospective president.

1 point

Human are more special because we have the ability to change our own future not only as individuals but as a hole. Its about choosing destiny. animals are at our mercy their future is determined by humans. We can choose to let a species grow and become abundant or we can end them.

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Winning Position: agree

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