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RSS Nabil

Reward Points:8
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Not necessarily, for example once the Ilisu dam is completed it will flood the historic city of Hasankeyf.

3 points

I agree with this claim, dams can cost a lot of money to make, one can not ignore the cost of the creation of dams.

4 points

How about after the dam is created? Did you know that the cost of a house in the new location the government is providing the Turkish citizens is over eight times the amount of their original homes? These are people we are talking about, as humans we need to be more sympathetic to their needs.

1 point

How about all the money that is used to create this dam? Also you say they are beneficial in all aspects, give examples. Furthermore, the argument isn't about the carbon emissions it is about the water cycle and how the excessive use of water will contribute to unstable weather patterns.

3 points

Jobs are scarce in the location in which the people are being displaced. Yes the amount of electricity is really necessary for Turkey, but keep in mind that the lifespan of the Ilisu dam is around 50-70 years. Is it worth it to displace over 25 thousand citizens for 50 years?

5 points

Also, dams can cause flooding of historic cites. Take the Ilisu dam for example, the creation of this dam had caused the flood of the historic city Hasankeyf.

7 points

Initially, dams can cause a displacement of various citizens in a country. Take the Ilisu dam for example, the creation of this dam will cause a displacement of over 25000 Turkish citizens.

1 point

This article also states that,

"JFA [Justice for All] estimates that LWOP cases will cost $1.2 million-$3.6 million more than equivalent death penalty cases"

0 points

Can you please provide a link to this evidence? Are you sure this is a reliable resource?

2 points

Crime rate has increased over the years, and to keep the citizens safe and well the government should enforce the law in many ways. Crime rates have increased 15% and have become more dangerous for the civilians of the USA. 40% of ex convicts are known to land back in jail after their release. This signifies that the criminals do not recognize their crimes, especially those who have injured and murdered many. People are continued to be injured, murdered, raped, assaulted, kidnapped, and robbed, would you feel safe in this type of environment?

Read article below.


Supporting Evidence: Safer environment (

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Nabil Alansari
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States

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