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RSS Nidhib

Reward Points:18
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Banning junk food will be advantageous for the school in general. Due to the availability of junk food in schools the obesity rates in children are continuously increasing. Junk food can also cause various heart diseases as well as other diseases.

Limiting the childrens intake of junk food could help them to become more fit,healthy and active.If they want to consume junk food they can do so after school hours.The school's number one priority should be the student's well being which also includes their health.

1 point

Plastic is very harmful to the society as it contributes to the pollution made by humans. It is a very damaging factor for the environment. Plastic bags are also responsible for the death of thousands of marine animals annually.Instead of plastic bags which are non degradable, cloth bags can be used as they are both reusable and recyclable.There are various other alternatives for plastic bags which are hundred percent more effective and less harmful. In conclusion i think that from these facts it can be differed that plastic is indeed bad for the society in general.

1 point

If such tests aren't done on animals who else can you suggest it be performed on? Living beings are incredibly complex and therefore scientists too cant create models which are similar. The medical and scientific advances far outweighs the minor inconveniences such as cruelty towards animals. Scientific advancement ,in one way, will also help scientists to create different models on which such testing can be done therefore its for their betterment too. It also should be said that there are more test subjects and controlled environments for experiments with animals.

1 point

The internet provides millions of people with useful information that is easily accessible.

Without the internet people wouldn't be as much aware about the environmental and social problems as they are now.When it comes to privacy there are various steps taken by sites to protect it after all it is one's own choice to divulge information about themselves, if someone is concerned with their privacy they shouldn't reveal personal information.The internet has also helped different businesses to prosper by creating a larger platform for advertising and publicity.

1 point

One of our most basic fundamental rights is the right to freedom, according to which people are allowed to take decisions based upon their own will. Making voting mandatory is a violation of our freedom as it will be imposed on people.Even if voting is made mandatory, people can easily find a way to avoid doing so if strict precautions aren't taken.Thus it won't benefit us in any way.

1 point

Following a certain religion isn't a threat to freedom at all as the decision to follow any kind of religion at all can be chosen by us and in no way whatsoever is it imposed on people unwilling to do so. Those who don't want to follow a certain religion can chose not to do so and those who want to, can do that.It depends upon the persons preference.

1 point

As India is a third world country there isn't enough money, food or jobs to support such a large population. Due to this reason many people in India are suffering from poverty. Such people aren't able to contribute anything to the economy. As India's population keeps on gradually increasing the condition will only worsen. Therefore having such a large population is a bane.

1 point

History is valuable outside of academics because we get to learn about different cultures and important people such as those who have built monuments, discovered things of importance, fought for our rights as well as unite the country. These people should be respected for the great things they have done. History also teaches us how to learn from the mistakes which have been committed previously.

1 point

These days the news reported by the media is not even close to the actual truth. The politicians bribe the media channels to broadcast news which helps them to make their image favorable in the public mind.

1 point

Private schools have better facilities and experienced teachers whose first priority is to educate the children in the best possible way. Government schools have a large number of students due to which the teacher is not able to clear doubts regarding the concept being taught.

Winning Position: Yes

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