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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Yet you gave a further pointless response. Grow up.

My response to all your crap will now be "Grow up." (assuming I'll even stick around... wouldn't be the first to leave because of idiots like yourself who make this site not worth attending, not to mention those who didn't even sign up because of morons like you)

This idiocy that's been going on here, truthfully since the moment I signed up and from what I've read it was so even before that, is not what I came here for in the first place. I came here for intelligent debating, but instead such idiocy flooded the site, what I read was far too stupid to not say a thing about it, so I stuck around a while.

Good luck keeping the site an idiots' sandbox of "debating". You know... children like playing in a sandbox. But you're grown-ups... and considering the crap you constantly spew, without ever critically or objectively thinking about what you're saying, about the world, about yourselves, means you are in fact mentally retarded, and morons. Seriously... even children, generally, aren't as stupid. Sorry, children (not you many morons around here), for comparing you with these worthless skin-bags of meat, fat, and bones but no brains flooding the site.

Andy... wanting something and actually having a talent for it, or knowing how it is supposed to be done, are not the same. Many people want this or that, but what they don't realize is that it might not even fit them, that they simply cannot do it right however strongly they wish they could. Instead of wasting their time with it they should find something they are good at, or at least better at. You may own this site, but you do not know what you are doing, you don't know how to maintain it, you don't even know what really is important. If you did, the site would not be so full of idiots, so full in fact that because of it it is not a debate site. If you want it to fall under a strict path (debating), then moderating and banning those who don't learn from their mistakes (excessive trolling, people like Ismaila, and other forms of spamming) is absolutely necessary.

2 points

Grow up.

1 point

Grow up.

1 point

Grow up.

0 points

Saying what the flaws are is whining? Including the flaw that those who should do something about it do nothing.

This isn't any longer a debate site, even if it ever was. Name doesn't determine, the contents do.

You are the one whining here. Why else would you say a thing in opposition when I am right? And you know I am, unless you're stupider than I think you are.

It's funny really, you're one of those who keep flooding the site with pointless crap. Sure, a little bit is okay, but too much is too much and you've gone way past that.

Why are you here, on a site that claims to be a debate site? You're not debating, you barely say anything worth a glance. In fact, I am certain you and your crap is one of the reasons this site has gone way off its right course.

As to running my own site, or moderating one, I don't have time for that either way.

0 points

Very true. There's far too much religious crap, there's too many trolls, there's Ismaila. The site is virtually pointless. It's a waste of time being here, as when it comes to debating something you'll get nothing but personal attacks and childish responses, not to mention "debates" that, well, aren't really debates at all, simply stupid ideas and stupid questions. The site is almost completely dead, just a few short breaths now and then.

1 point

I've heard they're small on that side of the earth. Just be careful, you might break them.

1 point

Wrong. By saying that you could just as well say that presently people think like some capitalists (funnily enough most actually do, I wonder why...).

The system would be based on different values than current ones. The removal of money would take care of almost all of it. There could be no corruption due to money, and so, instead of thinking how to make more money, people would be thinking on how to make living better, how to make better products, how to increase quality of work.

People wouldn't have to worry about how to get money, everything they needed would be guaranteed, already from this they'd be living a happier life.

1 point

Yet I am not, and I'm a human.

It's not from selfishness, it's from ignorance and immaturity of mind.

You do know that young children have the quality "this is mine, you may not play with it". Yet most grow out of it? Now why is that? Because they learn what is the right thing to do, what is the right way to behave. But sure, not all do. And still, using "human nature", as if it is something that always is, in favor or against something is not smart. Could say that one quality all humans have in common is an adaptable and flexible mind - a quality that enables to overcome selfishness. As I said, I'm not selfish, yet I am human.

1 point

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Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: Estonia

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