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RSS Pbot

Reward Points:1
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1 point

It's a matter of logistics and force projection. The US has the means to mobilize and deploy hundreds of thousands of troops anywhere in the world in a matter of weeks. Moreover, they can sustain those troops as they have the logistical infrastructure to feed, fuel, and equip those soldiers indefinitely. The US has an incredibly powerful navy and airforce. In order to carry out a full invasion of the US, China would have to mobilize millions of troops, ships, and planes and hope the US doesn't notice via satellite else it interfere. They would then have to send this huge invasion force to the US inexplicably defeating the largest, most well trained and armed navy and airforce in the world. They would also need to have a huge supply fleet and infrastructure and resources to fuel the undoubtedly drawn out land war for the mainland. They would need to sustain their invasion fleet for multiple trips, unless they're going to build enough boats/planes for 750,000,000 soldiers. As things stand, China would be hopelessly outmatched if they attempted an invasion. I think the question is would China succumb to the US's superior airpower and logistical expertise if the US were to invade.

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