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RSS Philippe-320

Reward Points:1
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

according to the gun owners of america association over 800000 permits were given to the people of florida, this dropped the average homicide rate by 52% in the state (

1 point

If an armed adult or teacher had a gun then the shooting could have been prevented before any severe damage had been done, and you might say that "armed people are more likely to be shot" but think about it an adult is faster then a child is he not?

2 points

when you say that the government and the police should protect people not people protect them selves, only 606 criminals are killed each year by a police officer while 1527 of them are killed by an armed civilian. (

2 points

over 800000 permits were given to the people of florida, this dropped the average homicide rate by 52% in the state, ( )

A harvard study has shown that states with more guns has less crime (

1 point

According to a journal written by a Phd Dr named Gary Kleck and the texas handgun Association Website states that 55% of all criminals will flee if their victim is armed with a gun. (

every year since gun laws have been issued homicides have been reduced by about 8%, rape by 5%, aggravated assaults by 7% and robberies by 3%, ( and )

every year 200,000 women use guns to defend themselves against sexual abuse and rape (

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