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RSS Pladzilla

Reward Points:21
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Guns arent dangerous, unless they fall into the wrong hands. Like how chemicals can be used to make good stuff, whereas in the wrong hands they kill.

1 point

If the name was not taken into question at the start, if oranges were blue in the first place, who is to say that blue would be called orange if the colour orange did not exist ? Therefore, as the name of the fruit, orange juice should be orange juice no matter what colour.

2 points

Japan wanted to gain more natural resources and raw materials to support their growing population and Militarization policies. Japan needed more resources to sell worldwide as their main export, silk was not selling well during the great depression and they needed a newer source of income. Furthermore, the great depression brought about huge trading taxes on Japanese goods. By capturing Manchuria, they would be able to secure a market that they could force their goods on and rebuild their economy. Therefore without the great depression, Japan would not attack Manchuria so soon in 1931

2 points

In no where in Stalin's industrial and agricultural policy, did Stalin mention the great human cost that such a rapid industrial and agricultural development over a short time. Stalin's industrial and agricultural policies achieved their sole purpose on increasing the productivity of the country.

3 points

(This is ABU)

Stalin's dictatorship was a failure socially. Due to his policies on collectivization, famines were caused and many lives were lost as a result. A few millions of people were killed or treated horribly in labour camps. He thus governed the country using terror, people were abiding to his rules mainly because of their fear towards him or what he could possibly do to them. :D

- Abu

2 points

Ps3's graphics are much better though the game titles are limited and you are not able to play some popular games such as the Halo series that is only avaliable on Xbox. Being someone that owns both consoles, I would still support the PS3 because of the free mutiplayer function whereas in Xbox360 you would have to pay for "gold" membership.

2 points

Definitely ! We need a cell phone in school. We can contact our parents in a short moment's notice as well as key in notes if our phone is a smart phone. Though this principle is outlawed by people that text in class.

1 point

Sonic rox ! I rather have a hyper hedgehog then a portly plumber !

2 points

I support the pen as firstly, I think that arguments should be done peacefully. But like they always say, when in rome, do what the romans do. If the enemy uses force, goodbye pen, hello SWORD !

2 points

Seriously, I was expecting something better for a blockbuster movie. It has a plot that is difficult to understand. Also, the 3D effects were only in some parts of the film, I wasted my cash in order to watch 3D. Not the best movie.

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