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Reward Points:29
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

No it should be controlled because resourced are getting over and people are suffering in poverty

1 point

No it should be controlled because resourced are getting over and people are suffering in poverty

1 point

No it should be controlled because resourced are getting over and people are suffering in poverty

1 point

No it should be controlled because resourced are getting over and people are suffering in poverty

0 points

TV is good because when we are feeling sad you can just watch comedy stuff. If we are bored we can watch tv. You can have a support that if I do my hw I can watch tv.

1 point

TV is good because when we are feeling sad you can just watch comedy stuff. If we are bored we can watch tv. You can have a support that if I do my hw I can watch tv.

1 point

I have gone through many ghost stories and I feel there is something that's there roaming everywhere

5 points

He was a very good person he would never drink wine or he even didn't smoke so much.

He loved kids and was a very good person.

He though captured many place but actually he took the revenge of world war one

4 points

He was a very good person he would never drink wine or he even didn't smoke so much.

He loved kids and was a very good person.

He though captured many place but actually he took the revenge of world war one

1 point

1.They can help them in getting more information about the chapter they are learning.

2.That gives them a chance to not only learn a specific thing but can learn more subject which helps them be more knowledgeable.

3.That even doesn't bore the kids the thing gives them a exiting feel ,the kids will think oh! I am gonna use a phone not those boring books.

4.And if they are in any kind of trouble or danger or are feeling scared in home they can easily call someone.

5.When there friends are busy they could play in that and have some fun to.

Displaying 3 most recent debates.

Winning Position: The world should be atheist
Winning Position: School need to banned uniform
Winning Position: No it was wrong on his part

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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