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RSS Rantra1

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree that Darwinism is the idea that the fittest will survive and thrive while others die in nature due to health issues, food scarcity, and healthy reproducing. However, Social Darwinism is the same idea applied to society, meaning that, for example, in the business world, strong and thriving companies survive and dominate while weaker and smaller companies don't gain much profit or customers and eventually die off.

1 point

In many ways, Darwinism and Social Darwinism are the same. The only difference is that Darwinism affects the environment and Social Darwinism affects a society, individual, or group. Darwinism is the idea that in nature, only the strongest or most fit will survive and the rest would then eventually die off. This means that those that can get food and reproduce will while the others can't. In Social Darwinism, it is the same idea of survival of the fittest, put into a society. In society, if you have power then you stay on top, but if you don't then you can't get any were and eventually your business dies or shuts down. A good example of this idea is the game Monopoly, or big time manufactures like Rockefeller.

1 point

I agree, the whole idea of eugenics is so that there can ultimately be a better overall population. Also, Darwin's concept or idea was closely related to eugenics because it was the whole idea put into play.

1 point

I agree that Darwin's concept contributed to eugenics. Darwin's concept was that only the most fit of species could survive, meaning that they are healthy, all traits were supportive to survival, and they could reproduce offspring. Additionally, eugenics is the idea of creating a better human race by selectively breeding only the healthy humans that could reproduce with supportive traits, and to not allow any humans with deficiencies to reproduce, thus making a "perfect" human race.

1 point

I agree, Darwin's time was actually way before the Nazis and the World War.

1 point

During this time in America and in England, black people were being used as slaves for white people. This affected Darwin's work because he saw this as evolution. Since Africans had darker skin, Darwin thought that black people were not as far, evolutionary, as white people. This was just an opinion off of his observation that he made into a theory called: survival of the fittest. This theory also gave more power to white people because they thought that they had more of a right to own and use slaves because they weren't as "good" as them.

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