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RSS Robm05

Reward Points:11
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

Let me start by saying that I own an iPhone, I really enjoy my iPhone and I really do think they are worth it.

The biggest thing that I don't know is how some people really believe the phone is as awesome as they want it to be that they will overlook the flaws of the phone.

The phone was a big upgrade from my Razr phone, and I have enjoyed and used it daily ever since I got mine and I wouldn't trade it for anything else.

3 points

Pink Floyd - Just listen to Dark Side of the Moon, The Wall, and Welcome to the Machine and tell me you don't love them.

1 point

"I would happen to believe it can still scar a baby in some way mentally."

I'm going to have to disagree with you, I'm in medical school and have seen doctors perform a few circumcisions on children as old as three and the entire procedure is quick and painless, the child has full functionality of the part immediately after the surgery and is even up and walking (with the older children) within an hour after the procedure. They show no signs of distress after the procedure as many people have tried to state in the past, and this is on an older children.

Also keep in mind it is the parents decision on any health decisions at that age, if your parent can decide to pull your life support why aren't they allowed to make the decision on what your penis will look like; it's not like even if it is for religious purposes that they won't be pushing that religion on you anyways.

I won't even go into the peer pressure and stuff at an older age involved with all this, that's readily available via Google.

-2 points
0 points

"Motorcycle users aren't required to wear helmets"

At least in Mississippi you are required to wear a helmet whenever operating a motorcycle. One of the main reasons behind needing to wear your seat belt happens in cities where you might get your car hit by someone who isn't paying much attention. If you aren't wearing a seat belt you could get bumped out of your seat or repositioned to where you no longer have control of your vehicle. Your seat belt would keep you in control of your vehicle at all times, and it has been proven that seat belt's save more lives than it takes.

1 point

"As far as I know, it's not illegal to jump off your roof, even if you risk injury."

That's attempted suicide which is illegal in the USA.

0 points

I agree with what you're saying here, and a lot of what is being said here in favor of this. Seat belt laws do save lives because there is always that group of people who aren't intelligent enough to think wearing a seat belt could save their life and they won't do it. Be it personal reasons, the fact that wearing a seat belt is cool or whatever, some people need to be instructed in what they can and can't do. Not everyone in the world is a leader.

Winning Position: Not worth it

About Me

"I'm in nursing school."

Biographical Information
Name: Robert Massey
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Postal Code: 38856
Religion: Christian-other
Education: In College
Websites: The SNICC Blog
My Personal Blog
Via IM: imrobm05x
im[email protected]

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