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RSS Ryelmach

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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

I would definitely say that opposites make better couples. The reason being is that if two people don't have similar things in common than they can learn more about each other. This will also keep a relationship stronger because new interests are being develepoved as the couple gets to know each other. Where as if two people are similar their would be no chemistry because everything would be boring and nothing new would happen between them.

0 points

The reasons for why pot should be legalized are all legitamite but people are only looking at the big picture. Sure it can benifet society in many ways but their are so many down sides to legalizing pot. If everyone were to become pot attics they would become more and more addicting up to the point that all they want to do is smoke pot. Allot of people are probably reading this and thinking that i am completly wrong, but the fact of the matter is that if you smoke pot long enough your mind will strictly be wrapped around trying to get high. With that said, how will our society progress if every has their minds on obtaining pot. Our world will not become more advanced because everyone who was one smart is now a pot head! Who will be the guy to cure cancer if everyone is on pot??

2 points

I totally agree with you but the thing is Isreal is keeping a watch on the Palestinians and they are surrounded by barb wire fences. If anyone were to try and escape to egypt the isreali military will be sure to murder them

2 points

You are completely obvlious to the situation at hand. You are only taking into consideration the attacks that the arabs have done on Ireal. But why would the Arabs attack to begin with?

The Palistinians have been living in the land for century's at peace. After the holocaust the Jews all decided to intrude this country with the help of Britian using several riots and terrorist acts. The Palestinians were rightfully protecting their land that was passed down by their ancestors. In modern day the Palestinians are minorities living in poverty while the Jews live in wealth on top of the ruins where they once lived. So now i ask you, who started the war in the first place?

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