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RSS Sainttrashca

Reward Points:9
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

racism is holding prejudice against a group of people simply because they are of a different ethnicity than you. all races can be racist, but some races' racism holds much greater power than others'.

1 point

what? it's hate speech. you're speaking hate about people, it's wrong. how am i meant to prove it's wrong? shouldn't the fact that it's illegal be enough for you? you have no right to hate on a group of people just because of their religion.

1 point

yes, because you had a chance to save them, but you actively chose not to. so they died because you didn't help them. no matter your motivation, and even though you didn't physically kill them, that blood is still on your hands.

1 point

well, no, it's not ever okay. ever. towards anyone. even if you are against religion, it's still wrong.

1 point

"hate speech: abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation."

hate speech.

2 points

considering the only difference is the level of melanin in our skin, yeah we're all the same.

1 point

some people hurt others in the name of religion, but that's not what it is or what it's about. i also don't, and never will, support those people. i'm not religious at all, but at the same time, i can very clearly understand and see a need to believe in something, something that assures you everything will be okay. most religions have an idea of something after death, and the people who follow that religion and hold those beliefs think they will be granted paradise or be reborn to live their life again and that they will never truly be dead, which fills them with a sense of hope and comfort. i believe there is nothing after death, and that once you're dead, you're dead, and that though gives me comfort but some people can't deal with that and so they look for something to give them hope. hence religion.

and yeah, that didn't come out right, i meant i would never ridicule anyone for following a religion. and i won't poke fun at someone if the thing they believe is harmless, like unicorns, or god, exists. i won't just let someone go around hurting people because they think it's okay, however. so believe whatever you want about the earth, i couldn't care less, but genocide, that's another matter. pls don't kill anyone.

1 point

i'm not against religion. if you have a belief, i will never ever ridicule you for that. however, i don't believe jesus lived as he was depicted in the bible. he may very well have been a real person, and honestly, i believe he was, but i doubt the "quotes" or the "eye-witness accounts" are accurate, considering there is no proof and nobody has ever witnessed anything like that since that time. sure, jesus and his miracles could have been a one-off, but why? it doesn't make sense. people got away with making things up in the past because there was no way to fact check like there is today. it was very, very easy to lie. all you had to do was write it down and sell it off as the truth and boom, you have a following. so, i think most, if not all, of the bible is fiction.

2 points

"most abortion doctors are men". okay, and most doctors are men. why? because women aren't encouraged from pursuing any scientific career, whereas it is certainly encouraged for males. an example of patriarchy. also, just because somebody carries out abortions, does not mean they support it. doctors can be racist, homophobic, transphobic, whatever but they can't do anything about it because it's their job. also, the word is "patriarchy".

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