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RSS Sevsss

Reward Points:1
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1 point

I am new to all this debating and dont have any interest in reading the cats side supporter, however I am here to prove a point. DOGS ARE BETTER!!

Dogs are understanding, they understand how you feel and undertsand how to react. When you are sad they comfort you which most people appreciate. Knowing that you have a good compangne to come home to is a great feeling, especially when you are sad.

Dogs can comfort so many different ways they can sit with you, sleep with you and take nice calmig walks with you. Unlike cats , have you ever heard a cat willing to take you to a nice calming walk, its rare! Cats seat with you until they are tired of you petting them and claw your face out! When your sad you dont need anymore things to worry about especially having a small demon seating on your lap ready to claw your face out.

Cats are lazy, they are not active. Dogs are a good reminder to stay active because they need to be walked. Its great because as humans we need to stay healthy and get fresh air.

Cats are grumpy. Cats growl when your moving off the couch because they think you will move them. Unlike dogs, they follow you excited to be with you and have a great owner.

I think weve witnessed at the end cats dont appreciate as much as dogs .

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