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RSS Shift4101

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

Ha. Give me scientific evidence that sexual orientation exists.

2 points

The first claim you made is in no way true. Even if you consider the moral propositions of the bible false, you cannot have any moral propositions without a universal, invariant, immaterial mind from which they are derived. And for that, I apologize Christianity does not suit your specific moral needs. Perhaps if you pray, God will adapt. Plus, I would like NT references for the claims you dropped about what the Bible does/does not support.

Back on track: There are plenty of logical arguments for the existence of God. In fact, one of the best is the TAG, which asks why we should accept logic in the first place? It is strange that it exists; what determines its validity, is it universal, and is it a reliable mode for determining what is true? And Why? Of course, being a Christian I can accept the validity of logic because it is the way God operates intelectually, and being created in his image, I should also operate like him.

2 points

1. If God does not exist, Objective Morality does not exist.

2. Objective Morality exists.

C: Therefore, God exists.

Most people already accept the truthfulness of both premises. And, since the argument is logically valid, the conclusion also follows from the premises.

Dispute over P1:

Imagine if God does not exist. Empirically, we have been able to explain phenomena through scientific means which satisfy most people. However, the rigor and agressiveness of atheistic science movements have removed the 'humanity' from being human; there is no blatant reason not to kill another person in cold blood, or play tennis with the decapitated heads of babies. To assume otherwise would be committing a fallacy; after all, we are only the composition of our parts. Killing a human being would be no different from smashing a bug, or hurting the enviroment, or even damaging a rock. Evolutionary Psychology attempts to explain morality through evolutionary means, that is, what ever helps you survive is moral. But this renders it arbitrary in logical debate, as it assumes one "ought" operate in accord with his evolutionary psychology, which is a moral statement that requires one to identify a person as a whole, and not the composition of his parts.

By contrast, if God exists, everyone has a soul, and we can derive our senses of goodness from the way he would have acted towards humans. We would derive our morality from our creator.

Defending P2:

I'm sure a lot of people who are hardcore, internet trolling atheists might just abandon the idea of objective morality all-together to avoid the horrible conclusion of God. Now, I really don't have time for moral relativists, as political discussions immediately turn stale due to the fact no action is truly beneficial to the lives of those affected. But imagine if there were no true "ought" statements. "Ought" we believe science? Of course! It helps us understand creation (or the Universe). "Ought" we think rationally? Why, yes! I would imagine society would love it if we could operate in ways that are predictable and make sense. What I am getting at here is that nobody really operates as if objective morality doesn't exist; they feel bad when they things that they perceive as wrong, and would rather not kill other people even if it means they would benefit themselves. To accept morality is relative is to deny your worldview and succumb to mere animal behavior, devoid of rational. We "ought" to think rationally, and only listen to arguments that are true, not just appealing. If not, why not believe in heaven?

If no P, no Q


Therefore, P

2 points

"1. If the Judeo-Christian God exists (henceforth referred to as "God"), He possesses the characteristics of omnipotence (all-powerful), omniscience (all-knowing and all-wise) and omnibenevolence (perfectly good and morally perfect).

2. If God exists and is omnipotent, he is able to eliminate all evil and suffering.

3. If God exists and is omniscient, he knows about all potential sources and occurrences of evil and suffering.

4. If God exists and is omnibenevolent, he has the absolute desire to eliminate all evil and suffering.

5. Evil and suffering exists."

I contest premise 4. It does seem at least plausible that there exist morally sufficient reasons for God allowing evil. Alvin Plantinga used the concept of free will, for example, to justify the existence of evil, and most scholarly philosophers are satisfied by his rebuttal.

It is actually up to the atheist to present evidence that suggests it is impossible for God to have morally sufficient reasons for allowing evil, a tall feat, that so far nobody has been able to argue successfully.


6. God does not exist.

2 points

1. Google "Pastafarianism"

2. Have a good laugh.

3. ??????


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