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RSS Skymto

Reward Points:113
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I've lived in the gulf coast area, Nevada, South Carolina, Florida, west NY, big cities and small towns, all very racially diverse areas. Even the Muslim directed stuff is getting better. It's definitely not ideal but it's being addressed. The media will bias the acts of one and make it into a huge ordeal when in reality a minority of people are still like that. Hate groups will always exist but they are extremists, a very small minority. They are also allowed to exist because of our freedom of speech. Hopefully you don't live in America because there are many laws against racism here as well as Equal Opportunity Programs, NAACP. I could go on and on...and if you haven't gotten out of the school yet...the real world works a lot differently than music, radio DJ's, reality TV shows. Just because someone has a big mouth doesn't mean what they're saying is right.

1 point

I think racism is on the decrease as well and I've lived in a lot of places. Stating it is on the rise is a huge neglect of careful research before this was created.

1 point

If they are drug/human/weapons trafficking, not contributing, taking advantage of the system send them back. If there were a physical "wall" between the US and Mexico "who's here is here" and no more unless they go through the process the legal way.

1 point

If they are Already Here and make an honest fair living for their family they should be given citizenship, have to pay taxes, entitled to vote. Many will work harder than natural born citizens. If they are contributing they are doing more than a lot of our people.

1 point

Shrimp...50 characters...sushi...crab legs...chocolate chip pancakes

1 point

Yes because people don't have a sense of accountability for what they do/say. If there were consequences they'd think their actions before they go the 'full retard' path.

1 point

So America should have allowed the Japanese to continue their invasion of China and the Soviet Union? Ever heard of the Bataan Death March...or human experimentation, chemical warfare they were using in Southeast Asia before their resources were cut off by America. A lot happened before Pearl Harbor that led to the eventual bombing.

3 points

I would go back to the dinosaur age to see what color they were.

skymto(113) Clarified
1 point

It sounds like a 'blinded by love' thing where you hoped you could bring him back? There are two sides to the abusive relationship in which the victim feels the need to bring their lover back, sometimes doesn't see what is happening to them until it's too late, allows themself to be controlled hoping it will bring them back. The controller uses that power to "bring down the world" on the victim making them feel like no one in the world could help them and they are worthless, promises they will change...these are my basic understandings from what I've studied in psychology and my father, a police, told me.

Should he be shot...everybody wants to shoot these people but I say one day Karma will get them back tenfold. Sending them to jail (or a restraining order at the very least) and keeping as far away from that crowd as possible is your best chance. If your guy friends weren't standing up for you they're not worth keeping around.

skymto(113) Clarified
1 point

Nope just saying it's their choice whether they want to bring that baby into the world with what they know. With some disabilities that child will never have a normal life, could be deformed, mentally incapable, or worse bullied forever. People are cruel now days and even crueler to those who are different. Not saying that every disabled child should be aborted just that some disabilities are more severe to the point that individual would suffer their whole life.

Displaying 9 most recent debates.

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About Me

"I admire facts, attention to detail and staying on subject. Political Centrist."

Biographical Information
Name:  Val
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Religion: Other

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