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RSS Socratic4

Reward Points:147
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

In which case only the companies that don't do so will survive.

1 point

Money doesn't go to the pocket as if you don't reinvest it it becomes useless due to inflation depriving it of value.

there isn't any incentive for companies not to continue automating jobs If automating caused unemployment less people could buy what they're offering and their profits would decrease.

1 point

Again, the profits these people make come from the public paying them for commodities they accommodate the production of with the profits they make, taking their profits means they can't produce as much commodities as people want which will not only result in less of what everyone wants but them having less profits for you to take as they'll sell less of what everyone wants.

As for the automation paranoia, companies can't sustain their assets or exist without a stream of revenue which wouldn't exist if everyone is unemployed as people wouldn't be able to buy what they offer, meaning that automation can only exist while people have a source of income. Even if automation caused unemployment new businesses would develop as the only thing that is required in order to establish a business is people who are willing to work and buy, unemployed people fit both categories.

1 point

There is no structure, just interactions. outcomes of which depend on your behavior in them.

1 point

Certain women wont, certainly more women than men wont. Who's built for serving coffee?

2 points

Which males can do things which females can do and which females can do things which males can do? there're certainly traits that're prevalent at different capacities among the female and male populations and there're in fact things that only males/females can do.

1 point

A business does what it perceives to be most profitable, losing potential customers due to them not having the capital needed in order to be customers as they're unemployed and have no source of income isn't profitable, therefore if automation really led to mass unemployment there wouldn't be any automation.

Even if automation did lead to mass unemployment, the means by which businesses were established in the first place won't disappear, the only thing a business relies on are people that are willing to trade their work in return for a wage and buy its produce, unemployed people fit both categories and therefore new businesses will be established.

2 points

People should be free to give their money to whomever they want.

socratic4(147) Clarified
2 points

Don't look at me I'm not a Postmodernist m

2 points

Well, they do rely on their own form of logic. They claim that as reality is up to interpretation the only possible reason for inequality is oppression as there's no reason for someone to form a reality in which he is less successful than someone else.They attribute this philosophy to ideas as well (there is no reason for an idea to be more prominent than another other than oppression), thus cultural relativism. The thing is, this philosophy is an idea in and of itself and as such they can't claim that it is more true than objectivism because according to them the truth is subjective and in order to not be oppressors (according to themselves) they must attribute equal truthness to objectivism. They are wrong Even in the confines of their own deranged form of logic.

Displaying 10 most recent debates.

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Winning Position: Power isn't derived from oppression or the domination of a resource
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Winning Position: Why "Gender Equality" makes no sense.

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