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RSS Socrus13

Reward Points:40
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

While republicans are anti immigration even though their ancestors were immigrants. Come on GOPs stop repeating yourself.

2 points

Um.. how can i get converted if their is proof that half of what the old testament says is bs that never happened. And that the christian god will burn you in hell for eternity if you don't believe in him. Teaching that to a child is mental child abuse, you are simply feeding them lies.

1 point

There is a reason that the keep it in the ground movement is a thing. Fracking is really unregulated by the government contrary to many people's popular reliefs. It it was regulated then we wouldn't even be having this debate. Adding benzene,antifreeze, and other harmful and poisonous chemicals obviously happens in many fracking sites without the government regulation. It leaves gigantic wholes in the ground which are never cleaned up because businesses file bankruptcies to avoid the process. People are saying all these problems are worth it for natural gas when they have just taken the side of money costs over the environment.

1 point

Yu-GI-Oh used to be big before magic which has taken over the card tournaments by storm.

socrus13(40) Clarified
1 point

Well overall i mean in terms of little corruption,a system that actually listens to the people and a low amount of discrimination affecting the process. There are a lot of factors but these are the few that came up first to me.

1 point

I love how one person says something to the left and then some Republican will say that this is what the whole progressive party believes. LMAO this isn't really worth replying to.

1 point

It's simple if anybody in the LGBTQ community wants to go in the army then let them. If they can't get through basic training because of "makeup" issues then I'm surprised they still want to be in the army. The army is about nationalism it's a lot more than shooting guns as most people believe. They do a lot more than shoot guns, that is a narrow minded view of this huge force.

1 point

People need to stop putting all the focus on the teachers, ask what needs to be improved of the students? There are simple problems like bad eyesight, ADD is blowing up, the education system hasn't been reformed in centuries, the teaching class size are going to keep increasing if the teacher job isn't made more lucrative with higher wages. Otherwise with the rapidly increasing population those classes are just gonna get bigger and bigger.

1 point

It depends on what you want and who you are. Just because we are the richest country in the world does not mean at all that we are the happiest. Countries like Denmark, Sweden, and Finland are some of the happiest without having nearly the amount of wealth that Americans have. Any place with regional nationalism is gonna have people say whatever state they live in is the best state. What we can do to fix any problem is to educate ourselves first, then work toward a solution. The bad thing is some won't recognize the problem, and others will have different solutions. That's overall the biggest problem in the U.S.A and the largest problem in the world.

2 points

Neither atheists or religious fanatics are right. Both of what you say cannot be proven cause there is never going to be any legit proof, no matter what you believe about entities.

Displaying 5 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Social media is great.
Winning Position: Which country has the fairest political system.
Winning Position: No
Winning Position: Is the 2 party system broken or is this what Americans want.
Tied Positions: Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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