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RSS Sonotforyou

Reward Points:17
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8 most recent arguments.
3 points

If two consenting adults love each other and want to make a life long commitment of marriage they should be allowed to do so.

1 point

Can they really stop you?

1 point

Not a cult, just a bunch of followers that hink if the celebrities are doing it so shouls I. Just look at the Cruises.

1 point

suicide or murder

1 point

Abortion only kills innocent children who may grow up to make a difference in this messed up world. Who knows who we missed out on?

0 points

No! The gift certificates are only for ABORTIONS! I use PP as my GYN, I support them and their efforts, (I am Pro-Life) but I think this is outrageous.

2 points

Yes, Birth Control should definatly be covered under health insurance. Birth control costs much less than a pregnancy and also cost less than an abortion. It is also used for other medical reasons, such as ovarian problems.

0 points

This is the most ridiculous thing that anyone can think of for the Christmas Holiday! We are celebrating Jesus' Birth, yet Planned Parenthood wants to sell gift certificates to murder Babies for Jesus' Birthday! Merry Christmas!

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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