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Reward Points:7
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

People would still be in relationships, still have children, still be faithful, and still engage in almost all the same other actions of a married couple even if the social construct of marriage didn't exist. Marriage is a social construct created to reward certain people and disadvantage others. It is an institution that has and continues to promote sexism, homophobia, and racism in certain places and until it is unlatched from these negative elements, we can do without it.

1 point

What does hitting a child teach? It teaches that doing something wrong OR something that is perceived as being wrong brings about physical pain. It teaches that doing something wrong should be hidden at all costs to avoid pain. It teaches that the best way to treat a misdoing is with action not communication. I certainly work with people who make mistakes on occasion and I'm sure they are thankful that I don't teach them this way when they make mistakes.

5 points

My biggest objection to this is that there would be no way to create a fair system for payment. Sure our grading system is based on the idea that A's are the best (in this argument should receive the most money) and F's are the worst (maybe these students should have to pay the teacher). However, I've experienced plenty of times where my grade didn't properly represent the effort, learning, or valuable skills that I gained in a class. Were there a way to accurately measure these facts and then provide payment based on this I might consider it.

However, I would still be hesitant, because we generally pay people to do things that we are either unable or unwilling to do. I personally believe that there are many people who would like nothing better than to go to class and learn every day. Where would we draw the line on paying students? Would we pay them in elementary school, high school, college, for the rest of their lives?

1 point

The term "common sense" is not the same for all people and therefore I think having an education is better. If "common sense" was sure to include things like growing one's own food, fixing one's own car and house, or making clothes, basically producing things that we need to survive then I'd feel otherwise. In today's day an age you need more than common sense to get by.

Winning Position: SAs must meet gen. requirement

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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