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RSS T0200180i

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

Jonathon, Ethan, Caden, Bryan (MN201)

1.Hillary Clinton only cares about money, but Donald Trump also cares for his country.

-she once invested in commodities futures on the advice of a friend and made $100000, proving she's a crook

-she once invested in real estate on the advice of another friend and lost $100000, also proving she's a crook

-she once signed a lucrative book contract when she was a private citizen

-she's in the pay of the mafia, Chinese government and Wall Street banks

-she supported the Iraq war

-Trump wants to improve border security, banning Muslims from entering the country

-reduce number of deaths and dangers of his country

-believes in American exceptionalism

-he is aware of the problem and acknowledges it

2.Trump is more honest than Hillary

-Hillary is more defensive, spending most of the time defending her own bad deeds, such as her murder and the email issue

-Trump is more offensive, insulting people openly. One example is that he insulted the miss Venezuela for being fat jokingly. He does not conceal his secrets like Hillary.

1 point

1.Hillary Clinton only cares about money, but Donald Trump also cares for his country.

-she once invested in commodities futures on the advice of a friend and made $100000, proving she's a crook

-she once invested in real estate on the advice of another friend and lost $100000, also proving she's a crook

-she once signed a lucrative book contract when she was a private citizen

-she's in the pay of the mafia, Chinese government and Wall Street banks

-she supported the Iraq war

-Trump wants to improve border security, banning Muslims from entering the country

-reduce number of deaths and dangers of his country

-believes in American exceptionalism

-he is aware of the problem and acknowledges it

2.Trump is more honest than Hillary

-Hillary is more defensive, spending most of the time defending her own bad deeds, such as her murder and the email issue

-Trump is more offensive, insulting people openly. One example is that he insulted the miss Venezuela for being fat jokingly. He does not conceal his secrets like Hillary.

2 points

For the grades which fall in the teenage years, single-sex schools offer a focused learning environment.

-In an experiment by Alison L. Booth ,Lina Cardona-Sosa and Patrick Nolen in February 2013 in a co-educational school, they found out that one hour a week of single-sex education benefits females: females are 7% more likely to pass their first year courses and score 10% higher in their required second year classes than their peers attending coeducational classes. Although according to this experiment, the single-sex education improved the studies on mostly females only, it still proves that single-sex education is beneficial to students, given the higher passing rate. (source:

-During the teenage hormone years the boys and girls tend to take more notice of opposite sexes and lose concentration on their studies. They will also be afraid to do well in certain subjects for fear that they may seem nerdy to the opposite sexes. They could also not participate in lessons such as asking questions for fear that they may feign off interest from the opposite sex.

-Some students may even engage in boy-girl relationship and this also greatly affects their studies as they keep on thinking about their partners of the opposite sex. Thus single-sex schools prevents this and improves the results of most students.

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