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RSS Tasialicious

Reward Points:9
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

YOu dont know for a fact mostkids is stupid, thats just your opionion when you have facts that most kids are stupid then let me know

3 points

i think that teens this age have opionions about who they want to be president! it isn't fair that we are downgraded because of our age. It sucks that we can't vote for who we feel would take care of america better. WE should be able to vote just like adults since we are considered young adults. Ok at the movies are tickets are $10 because we are charged as adults. If a teen of these ages murder somebody then we are trialed as adults..... so since we are considered adults so much let us try and act like adults when it come time to vote for president

1 point

Ok say you are a straight guy and you find you a nice wife and you guys live happy. Okay with gay people it is exactly the same except for it's the same sex. It doesnt matter what sex you are if you are happy you are happy and nobody should have the right to take that away! If two gay people want to finnally tie the knot then it shouldn't be a problem because they are very happy with one another just how straight guys would be with their wives! they should have a right to marry because it's their life that they are living and they should live it how ever they want to live it..... i think we should all accept that we have gays everywhere and killing their happiness so that we can be happy is so wrong...

3 points

Abortion should definetly be banned! Their is a lot of things to prevent pregnancies such as condoms, birth control and getting your tubes tied! If you know you are not old enough or financially stable to take care of a child then don't have sex, just use protection. Don't just look for the easy way out because of your mistake! i don't get how if you kill somebody then you get charged for murder, and spend the rest of your life in prison....when on the other hand having an abortion is murdering a baby. To me that doesnt make any sense...and some people say but what if the person got raped and ended up pregnant.....well you can give it up for adoption, i feel that women who have abortions are selfish and are only thinking about themselves. They really don't care about what the baby goes through and that is completely wrong!

2 points

Yes, a father should be able to say no to an abortion because it isnt just the mother who conceived the child, they both conceived a child together. If they both can decide on having sex without protection, then they both can decide on whether to keep the baby or not.

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