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RSS Tathomasa

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1 point

Evidence of of the ability to preform logic, is not evidence to debunk the more commonly

occurring existence of irrationally found in the average woman.

It is difficult for women to understand their average inferiority in logic, because some women are born preforming logic quite well and they break the statistic, but most women simply see male logic as the lack of emotion. This is constantly reinforced by situations where a woman become emotional for seemingly no reason, and the man not understanding this doesn't reply in the manner her emotions desire for. What is really going on is "WTF just happened?" Not necessarily: "Oh brother!" What is going on in her mind is, " I have feelings, why doesn't he care about my feelings, does he have feelings at all?" that is the fundamental difference in many situations that women cannot see, which give men the logical advantage a lot of the time. She is thinking: "I feel emotion." He is thinking: "How can I make sense out of this?" Only by actually viewing this as a more logical person observing a less logical and more emotional person, only then can one really understand the difference for themselves.

It is also a fact that intelligence and the powers of deduction are increased in life form that take longer to develop their brains, because of the amount of Nero-pathways available to dedicate to new information. These major differences are what set apes, elephants, dolphins and humans above other life forms in intelligence. Our brain are dense with slowly maturing Nero-pathways

Even more so humans take more time then apes to develop mentally, thus they are more intelligent.

This average difference between men and women help give men the edge on logic and intelligence on average. We see at least a 20% crossover in gender traits, so not all men have this edge, and some women, have it too. This is only true on average, and thus we only see it's results on average.

However having an edge on something doesn't grantee superiority in execution. Since many factor can lead to a less naturally intelligent person to become more educated then a more naturally intelligent person. Also being born with an advantage doesn't mean that the advantage will be utilized.

Does the male advantage in mental development make women inferior to men? Absolutely not, and in most cases these female differences are most often irrelevant to the quality of performance in every day life. Regardless of this advantage, women are still perfectly capably in functioning well enough with logic to be a model citizen, student, and employee. It is however a good reason why even today with women dominating education and the job market, men are more likely to be geniuses then women. Just not guaranteed.

There is one factor in the male advantage that can "sometimes" effect every day and career life. that is the Neurology studies that show that women people are experiencing emotions they are not adequately assessing logical thinking parts of their brain. In short, it has been proven by actually physically studies of neurology in men and women that, not only are women more emotional then men on average, but regardless of gender and any who is emotional, is not thinking clearly or at all in some cases. for some women this can be controlled relatively easily or at least worked around, but many women who suffer from contributing hormonal problems, find they have a harder time with it. For most women the issue is situational and they can easily regain composure, however not every life situation allows for a person to take the time to pull themselves together. This is why there is a corneal of truth that seems to legitimize the fear ow women making important decisions. this fear seem more rational to be held in women, but it is only true on average, so that means there are plenty of men who can have the same problems.

Although it is important to understand these things, they are not the basis to justify gender discrimination.

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