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Reward Points:4
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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3 most recent arguments.
2 points

There's absolutely no thought-process involved in this debate question. Why do we even bother with such a terrible question? Look at the description! It screams "I don't know anything and am looking to show it."

Go back to school. Learn! For the sake of our generation, put some thought into your ideas.

4 points

Ya, I agree with the first. This whole topic is brutally written. No real facts supporting any of the outlandish claims.

Liberals are pacifists? From where, what source, who said that? Gimme some proof.

If anything, Fairness Doctrine would be good for Conservatives since there's always been a left-leaning media.

You suck!

4 points

Every sect of Christianity has fundamental differences. Protestants reject the notion of Papal infallibity, Catholics think the Pope's THE man. Any sect that says they adhere to Christ's teachings is a Christian religion. You cannot say their interpretation is unchristian, because it's THEIR interpretation.

The Westboro Baptist church IS Christian! And they preach a whole heck of a lot worse than Jehovah's do.

An example of Christians, who don't really seem like Christians.

Winning Position: Yes, it should be legal.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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