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RSS Tristanhall

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1 point

If you watch the video "Icons of Evolution" you will see that Evolution is no longer the popular choice among scientists. The more schools and institutions try and prove evolution the more they end up disproving it. Topics like Irreducible complexity, the Cambrian explosion and Schaeffer's embryo drawings are biting evolutionists in the butt because they refute themselves. I have found that the only reason that evolutionists get up in arms about teaching Creationism in schools is because they are afraid of evolution being disproved. Evolutionists know that if they are losing the argument over evolution and intelligent design. I think that it is only fair to teach ALL creation theories because here in America we are trying our best to promote equality. In order to do that we must teach the creation story of all the major world religions, not JUST Christianity or JUST Evolution. Another issue with evolution being taught in schools is that people love to glorify the "Separation of Church and State". However, Secular Humanism is a recognized religion that believes in evolution, therefore we have just crossed the Church/State boundary. The other issue is that we are brainwashing our students when we don't teach other creation theories. Students won't ask those key questions about evolution when they don't know anything different than evolution. We aren't showing them all of the options and we are shutting down those who want to question the theory of evolution (religious motivation or not). It is blatantly going against the 1st amendment of freedom of speech and expression. It is impossible to claim that the government is taking a neutral stance by only teaching one creation theory. One must teach every single theory with an unbiased approach to be neutral. We are denying students the knowledge that they deserve. School textbooks are using outdated and unreliable information, teachers are fired for raising debates in class and teaching kids that evolution is just a theory and not fact, and the evolutionists are scrambling to shut down anyone who opposes evolution.

To sum this all up:

If Evolutionists believe that Evolution is a rock-solid, irrefutable theory then there should be no problem in teaching other creation theories since they must all fall short of evolution if Evolution is as irrefutable as people like to think.

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"Tristan | 16 yrs. | Junior//Year 12 | Web developer | Christian | Love debates!"

Biographical Information
Name: Tristan Hall
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Postal Code: 48067
Religion: Christian-other
Education: High School

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