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RSS Twoon

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

Indeed, youths today are more rude than before, especially with the hike in technology. Today, most of us youths have smart phones, which we bring around with us everyday, which we cant live without. With all these technological devices we have, it makes us rude as we do not spend time with the people around us and are often seen with our phones, even when another party is talking or trying to make a point. This is prevalent in my society as many students are seen using their mobile phones during lectures. Worse still, they show no respect to their elders when they take out their phones to use during family dinners. They are not afraid of offending their elders and think that what they do is a social norm. This is compared to our elders in the past when there were no such things as phones and when fancily dinners were full of engaging conversations. Hence, youths today are indeed more rude.

1 point

I agree that youths these days have a larger burden on our shoulders because we face the constant stress of having to meet expectations of parents, teachers and ourselves. This leads to us not being to do what we enjoy but rather do things such as studying because we have to, because we must have a bright future. Hence, i agree with this argument.

1 point

In developed countries, parents treat their children as princes and princesses. They want the best for their children and are willing to go through anything just to give their children the best. For example, in Singapore, parents are willing to take part in Community Work just to get a spot for their children in primary school. This leads to children not having to fight for what they want. This is compared to in the past when our elders had to fight for what they want and were much more independent than youths these days. Hence, because their parents provide them with everything, youths today are indeed more fortunate than before.

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