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RSS Veritas777

Reward Points:1
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1 point

Intelligence is a very complex subject, too deep to comprehend. Mere skin color doesn't determine someone's intelligent. Skin color is a physical feature which shows how much pigmentation is present in our skin only, intelligence is the abstract part of us. Thus there is no connection at all between skin color and intelligence. Whoever preaches that Whites are smarter than Blacks is a prophet of racialism hate! This is a justification of 500 years of racism, oppression directed at Black or African people. I.Q. tests will never be able to measure the fullness of human intelligence, due to the fact that they're biased. I.Q. tests only reflect the social and educational background of people. Thus in any society, the disadvantaged, poorer, least-educated will score lower than the wealthier and priviledged ones. Culture also plays a major role in I.Q. tests and also affects the way people think and their logic. What's relevant to a White person in Norway might not be relevant to a Black person in Nigeria. In America, we know that the economical, social, educational gap between Blacks and Whites was very large but it narrowing down as years go by. This could explain why Blacks might on average score lower. It has nothing to do with their genetics, skin color, etc... Remember recent African immigrants in the U.S. and Canada have the highest level of education as a group and they're definitely Black(100%!!). So stop with that "old school" theory that "Whites are smarter than Blacks" nothing but a huge lie!

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