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RSS Way875

Reward Points:1
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

In the old days KIDS went hunting and guns were a part of life, we had no issues with guns in the house.

Now with the gun grabber attitude yes there is a problem, return guns and teachings about guns to our kids to be responsible.

My 3 kids are pro gun and they know how to use them responsibly. FACT, your kids may need some work.

way875(1) Clarified
2 points

If every household which meet criteria was mandated to be armed with high level weaponry, it would increase the security of the USA.

Watch sons of Guns, they have it right but that is rare in our society.

We would fight back any threat, and may lose but at least we would fight rather than hide because of being disarmed.

1 point

Man where are you coming from, what about CHINA, have you studied the size of their military force, it is not to defend themselves.

Are you are a control freak, I can read into your writings, into power, or YOU have access to any weapon you want and want to keep that control from everyone else.

I wish you lived in a location struck by the Huricane, you could defended all those folks which was raped and killed in the hospitals, in our own country. You can bet you would have disarmed them as well.

You cant stop guns, or crimes, or even drugs. I am also a cop but not a control freak.

You should be DEFENDING the Constitution not burning it down.

1 point

There is some wackos out there, to me YOU are one of them as well, and YOU dont need a gun. But I would never stand in the way of every perfect mental sane person owning a bazoka, machine gun or any other type weapon.

I am a COP and 21 years Military, WHO ARE YOU JOKER>

Take my rights away because you hang around the mentals.

1 point

Read the CONSTITUTION, or founders knew you long before you were born.

They protect you from yourself.

2 points

USA may not last forever then what? China is building a big ARMY, why do you think that is, dumby?

Watch the movie DARFUR the slaughtered are also unarmed, you think it cannot happen here with the people in our country taking over by deciept. You folks which support gun control are lead by wolves, or DOGS to the slaughter just like Hitler lead the jews.

Look where their weak jews (not fighting back) attitude got them, slaughtered like you gun grabbers will be, slaughtered or taken to slavery.

Germans would not invade countries with armed citizens, mandated by law to have access to weapons, real weapons not just single shot.

You jokers which are so for disarming our country are traitors, like cockroaches in our great society.

You will NEVER admit any facts, most have another agenda, we may not know the exact agenda, but you can be sure it is not an agenda to create a free society here in our great USA. You want to control, you are control freaks and listen to progressives agenda to control, you can not be changed. There is a study underway which may prove, you folks are the way you are because, you were dropped on your head when you were babies, or your mama got punched while you were in the womb. which caused brain damage. Which is where the negative attitude comes from.

Gun Grabbers throw rocks at the tanks and thugs when they come to rape your woman like happened in our own country just after the huricane.

Gun grabbers deserve what they get in the end, I trained my kids with the movie Defience, as a training ground, somewhat true movie and the revolt started with taking a gun from another, Jews lived because they fought back ... with a GUN dumby.

YOU DONT WANT GUN CRIMES, ARM EVERY CITIZEN which is willing and mentally capable to defend themselves and others.

911 would not have happened if I was on the plane, or if someone like me and we were allowed to carry our firearms on board.

I have 21 years of MILITARY SERVICE

POLICE Service


Gun Grabbers WHO ARE YOU??????????????

I am a defender of our CONSTITUTION

Who are you defending, CRIMINAL FRIENDS??? Or mayby you are playing footsy with CHINA or THUGS, which you will get guns ANYWAY reguardless of your petty laws.

JOKERS this is a STUPID DEBATE and won't change a thing with gun grabbers, they like the pain and lies they put out.

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