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RSS Whatevur

Reward Points:5
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

i hate you. i mean, i don't hate you, but that doesn't contribute anything.

1 point

who are you to compare with facsim? sexism is not a valid opinion. it is disgusting.

2 points

i am sick of sexism, but createdebate is enlightened? really? i dont think anything is really enlightened. if this is any more enlightened than any other site on the internet, i'll eat a big straw hat.

3 points

if a teacher were allowed to use that method, it would be the crumbling of civilization.

2 points

intimidation through use of guns should be illegal, and i believe it already is. if my teachers were using guns like that, i would report them.

4 points

no way. guns are freaky, and what if the teacher is insane, or bipolar, or something terrible? what if a student steals the gun, shoots the teacher, then everyone else? what if the teacher uses it for intimidation of the students? what if what if what if??????????

-1 points

THE BEST NAME FOR A NEW DOG IS depending on the breed, if it was a poodle, the best name would be curly. If it was a yorky, it would be muffin.

1 point

ok, now this is aimed at everyone who says YES. this morning, i felt like i felt when i had the flu. really bad. well, anyway, later on in the morning, i felt better. this was way before my school usually has the late bell ring, so it looked like i could make it if i left immediatly. So when we got to the school, i ran to class and just as i walked in the door, the late bell rang. So i was late. by one millisecond. precisley. so then i got an HOUR of detention tommorow, and i ask you: does that seem fair. by the way, what is AISD? anyway, this was the second time i was late this year, the first being sometime in november. and the reason was for this detention, was that i needed a note saying why i was late. even though it was the stupid traffic and the stupid locker door. so i DO NOT think detention is very fair for being late, and anything that doesn't involve bullies, fist fights, or curse words.

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About Me

"i believe that everyone is going to die eventually, so we might as well make the best of it."

Biographical Information
Name: marie lavalle
Gender: Lady
Age: 28
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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