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RSS Willizyoyo

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

You are absolutely absurd. The USA is facing economy downturn. In fact, I have been kind to use the word 'downturn' because in reality the US was not only owed huge amount of debt to China, but also to the UN and countries not mention yet. The actual economy in the US is slumped. The US has no hope, no jobs, and no cash. How could the US possibly be able to collect their desired money to purchase weapons? The US encounter another problem, which means the US national treasure is empty, bluntly already 'broke'.

2 points

Yeah, right, dude. Go invade any nations that you owed them money, so you naively thought you do not have to pay them back, IF (only under the circumstance) you win. Come on, dude, grow up. Do not talk like a moron or kid when facing in reality. China can hit you really hard before you declare war with them. The US is not that powerful as you think (not invincible or Alienate country with fancy weapons) or even the Hollywood movies the Americans filmed. To wage a war, it is not like playing video games. You lose, you click start again, pretend nothing happen and still enjoy playing until you claim your victory. You just do not get the picture that you thought China is so easy to be defeated? It is madness to have such crazy far-fetched excuse that Iraq gained medals less in Olympic games under Saddam Hussein ruled, after the US has invaded Iraq, Iraq gained more medals than before.

3 points

You must be Indian because the username you have been using shown us clearly. Indians loved to boast, brag and swank their India military power is raising and almost comparable or marginally behind. But they have no idea their military weaponry, strategy and information were far behind to China. Needless to say, how naive or wishful thinking it was to put India in the same category to the US, Russia and China. These are the three most known powerful countries in the world today. Russia is superpower in the past. The US is the superpower in present. China is going to be superpower in the future. Whereas India is superpower wannabe (fond dream).

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