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RSS Wtaliaferro

Reward Points:5
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

No, The Monster doesn't deserve sympathy because the author makes it obvious that the hideous creature is intelligent enough to conform to human society and his malicious behavior is an act of rebellion against his creator. In addition, The Monster attempted to learn the history of a group of people and even learned the language of them, which shows his intelligence is above average. The Monster's behavior is not from grief due to loneliness or lack of attention, but it is an attempt for his own creator to accept him. After The Monster gets shot by a man due to his appearance, he goes back to his creator, to seek at least one person that will accept him. The real sympathy should be directed towards Victor because he realizes the error of his ways too late and is now in a situation that he cannot handle. Victor displays his dismay on page 121: "I left the room, and, locking the door, made a solemn vow in my own heart never to resume my labours." Sympathy is truely earned for Victor, because he had to create a monster to realize that companionship is an essential peace to human life.

1 point

Yes, I believe The Monster did deserve sympathy, especially from his own creator in Victor. The Monster was a creation by Victor and was completely abandoned after creation. Victor made no attempt to even console or help The Monster besides enraging him further by killing his work in progress (companion for The Monster). The Monster was an outcast from the get go because of his hideous appearance, although he made attempts to conform to human society. Victor's convoluted plan to ostracize his entire family and people he cares about to become a great chemist was flawed from the beginning. The Monster had no guidance or companions to call friend in a world where he was created by a human. The Monster's actions were a representation of Victor's consciousness that longed for human companionship. That is exactly why Victor was extremely grieved when he found out about the deaths of his family members, because he understood that it was not The Monster who was at fault but it was ultimately him. Page 97 expresses The Monster's extreme grief: "Cursed, cursed creator! Why did I love? Why, in that instant, did I not extinguish the spark of existence which you had so wantonly bestowed?"

1 point

The introduction of Clerval back into the story represents Frankenstein's social life coming into fruition. He totally ostracized everyone in his life to completely focus on his work. The death of his mother greatly effected this because he did not want to become close to another person and have them abruptly taken from him. Clerval on the other hand greatly cherishes companionship and puts his life on hold to nurse his old friend back to health.

1 point

The interactions between Victor and Henry display the vast differences in their character development and personalities. Victor completely devoted himself to his work and cared little about social interactions with his family and friends. Henry on the other hand is the opposite and displayed this by taking care of Victor when he was ill. He realized that having a social life is necessary in order to impede going insane.

1 point

Furthermore, free trade does not inhibit economic stabilization and allows free access to markets and market information. Also with free trade, there is an absence of trade-distorting policies that give some firms advantages of the others.

-Will Taliaferro

2 points

Free Trade is more beneficial than Protectionism because it allows countries to trade without worrying about tariffs and quotas. Also Protectionism impedes economic growth because both countries cannot benefit because of protective tariffs, which means one country is benefiting more than the other.

-Will Taliaferro

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