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RSS Xenos

Reward Points:15
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

i was a bit more vague than i intended. What i meant was "if you were to get to the afterlife and find the opposite of your expectations" you have to have some expectations one way or the other. I'm looking for which initial response you would have.

-1 points

mmmmm flecks of real vanilla ........./drool

1 point

I'm gonna go with anarchy on this one, and I'll tell you why.

Our current society and every other before it was born of conflict "revolution" if you will. Dictatorship involves no mass support it rules by sheer force. If you think about it anarchist movements display more of the values of a revolutionary mindset than that of a dictator. In this case I'm gonna stick with the ends justifying the means. Only a fair form/ammount of control can survive in an anarchists world.

2 points

homework is there as a mechanism to expose you to information repeatedly so as to better ensure that you retain information. having said this, if i can pass a final exam then i have achieved the desired result. unless of course I were cheating...but that is another issue.

3 points

i believe the idea of federal taxes on a persons wages to be ridiculous.

it is hard enough for most people just to pay bills, eat, and still afford gas to get to work. Then you start taking part of my hard earned pay check away from me?!?! i feel that taxes should be on sales....and corporate dealings only. with no little people earning a wage/salary all those big companies are nothing.....

2 points

define "income" as it pertains to tax code

1 point

It is my belief that there should be a 1 person 1 vote EXACT system of election. If you remove the delegates and the whole electoral collage the result should be that more people will feel that their vote counts for something and thus raise voter turnout.

4 points

yes, it is my opinion that customization of interface is always a must. More options means greater chance that i can find settings i like, thus making it more likely I'll use it.

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: electoral what?

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: xenos 
Gender: Male
Age: 42
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Education: Some College

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