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RSS Yachy101

Reward Points:26
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

thats a really good argument... some of the things in there i dont support but i agree that he has done quite a bit

2 points

well if they lower taxes more people were start buying stuff and then they can get the taxes from sales taxes and we will still be aking an improvement in are dept.

1 point

Obama hasnt done anything that helped us yet. and george bush was a good president. he took on the responsibilities to get rid of terrorism in the US and has kept another 9/11 from happening. he got rid of suddam and has taken control over afghanistan from the taliban. war costs money and when he went to war it was necesarry now its up to obama to finish the job and get us back on our feet

2 points

YES SEND IN THE TROOPS. OBama should send in the troops because it is the smartest thing to do. people are afraid this war is going to be like vietnam so they want to pull the troops out. well it will be like wietnam if we pull the troops out. the problem with vietnam was, we didnt have the whole country behind us and we didnt have enough troops to get the job done. back when russia invaded afghanistan and afghanistan won the taliban gained control and the us didnt help set up a new government so the taliban took over. That wasnt smart. we need to send in a lot more troops to get the job done and get it done fast. we need to push the taliban out and set up a working governmaent in afghanistan. we need to train local afghanies to fight(militarily) they need a military. after all that is done we can then start pulling out the troops until we have few left and finally till we hav them all out. i say we finish the job that we have started so we can bring the brave men and women home without causing another war to start up again in 20 years caused by a mistake we made. we need to take responsibility and help the afghanies.

1 point

i think he still has time to fix the problems the US are having but from what ive seen he has not been doing a good job... He needs to stop listening to his people and listen to the US and not the ignorant people but the people who can think loically about the action he wants to take and the outcome it can have. Think about basic economics, supply and demand.

0 points

i agree 100 percent with you. the government shouldnt force someone to not have an abortion.

3 points

ummm yes he is trying to give more power to the government and take it away from the people. socialism is the first step towrds communism and u know how that ends up... not good is how that ends up. throughout american history we have gone through recesions and have come out of them due to a great presidents work. Reagan lowered taxes. and didnt give more power to the government.

1 point

obama has done such a horrible job as president so far and more and more people are staring to realize it every day so i dont even think he should be nominated for the democratic party for the 2012 election.

1 point

i think Obama is trying really hard to please everyone and that isnt a good thing. He shouldnt have received the nobel peace prize cuz he hasnt done anything to deserve it. his trillion dollar deficit was stupid because it didnt help the US in one bit. It hurt us and put us in even farther dept than what we were already in. I dont know if obama understands that cutting back on our defences isnt a good idea especially when NORTH KOREA has created a working nuclear weapon. also when there are so many people that dont like america and are willing to pay billions to make sure we fall.

waterboarding has been a big issue and bush was right ot use waterboarding during interigation. if it wasnt for waterboarding we could have had another 9/11 in las angelos or san francisco or washington dc or any other big city. most people wont look past the cruelty of it to realize it saved millions of american lives. also obama has said that he wants to try the terrorists bush has caught to determine their punishment. THEY ARE TERRORISTS... THEY WANT US DEAD...WE DONT NEED TO TRY THEM... SOMEONE HIGHER UP SHOULD JUST CONVICT THEM ALREADY... WE KNOW THEIR GUILTY AND YOUR NOT GOING TO FIND A JURY OF NON BIAST PEOPLE. EITHER WAY THE OUTCOME IS GOING TO BE THE SAME... UR JUST "BUYING" THEM TIME

4 points

The death sentence is a good thing. Well if the crime is bad enough they should be killed. not for like steeling or anything but murder and terrorism and stuff like that the person should be. also i dont think they should be held in prison for years after the trial because they are going to be killed so we might as well kill them soon so we dont have to pay for them with our taxes.. (our taxes pay for prisons)

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Winning Position: yes he should
Winning Position: yes hes done great

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