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RSS Yiweiang

Reward Points:2
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0 points

I would definitely agree with your statement regarding Mussolini and Stalin. I would further add that in my view, Stalin is by far more brutal than Hitler. Stalin STARVED his own citizens because of his own ego and his inability to accept that his agricultural programs failed. I would totally prefer to assassinate someone like that before Hitler.

1 point

As much as Hitler is seen as the "world's most cruel man" causing the deaths of millions, I must admit that there are two other men that I would like to "assassinate" more than Hitler.

While Hitler did cause about 10 million deaths in his "anti-semitic" programs, we must also look at the characters of Mao and Stalin.

Stalin, under his collectivization programs in 1928, decided to place farms in the USSR under state control. By 1941, all of the farms were controlled (or influenced at the least) by the Soviet Government. With every bit of excess grain taken away from the farmers, farmers had no incentive to produce more grain. As a result? FAMINE. Stalin was too egocentric and wanted to prove that his program worked. Thus, he did not admit to his mistakes. Michael Lynch, a historian, commented on how his denial of the existence of the famine meant that he could not take any "public action against the famine" and could not get foreign aid for the situation. 10-15 million died as a result. Significantly worse than Hitler.

Mao, another character, under his Cult of Personality, decided to launch campaigns against his political enemies and the "bad elements" of China. During the trial of the Gang of Four in 1980, they were accused of a half a million deaths just from the Communist Party in China. As a result of Mao's cultural revolution, the purges in the government, attacks from the Red Guards, the PLA and the like, millions died. Furthermore, when Mao trusted Lysenko from Russia to implement agricultural plans, it failed miserably. As a whole 30-40 million died.

Hmm...for some reason Hitler just doesn't seem as evil any more? Personally, before i assassinate Hitler, I would like to assassinate Mao and Stalin first.

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