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RSS Zhansulu

Reward Points:69
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I take the view that it's better to be in associations, because it makes student life more interesting. For example, now I'm not in any organization, and it's boring. When you are in organization, you communicate with people, you focus not only in studying, you focus in other intereting things.

2 points

I'll tell you what's wrong with it.

Emo is a style of music.

Emo is a style of clothing.

It should not be a type of person. Labels are demeaning to a person's personality. Everyone is much more that an 'emo' or a 'prep' or 'jock'. It's pointless. You would want to know as just an 'emo' forever? Why not be known for being intelligent? Strong? Or even revolutionary? Labels are for cans, not people.

2 points

It's bad because it's a self destructive coping mechanism and although it might lift the pressure and give some relief for a few seconds/maybe minutes, it's definitely not the right road to go down. Self harm masks the problems behind why you're feeling like you do, it's a way to escape it and that obviously isn't healthy because you need to deal with it.

You need to really try to work against cutting yourself, maybe when you feel overwhelmed etc focus on something else. Maybe have a bath, read a book, call some friends anything to take your mind of it.

1 point

Those people, who follow emo style, they care about nothing and their psychology is a little bit damaged. But, not all people who are emo are bad. Some of them just follow style of wearings.

2 points

I take the view that emo is bad idea, and it's not culture, it's a style. It is bad, because it impacts on people's psychology, and folloeing this type of style, people become strange.

1 point

As we know, children don't like things that are healthy, they prefer eat sweety things that are very harmful, and they need them, who will control nutrition.

1 point

Yes, sometimes it's hard, but if do not pay attention to them, children will damage their organism.

1 point

Yes, I absolutely agree with you, because nutrition is the most impotant thing in childhood. Children can't control what they eat, and parents should pay attention to kids' nutrition.

3 points

Women who go through an abortion have to always carry that thought with them. They often wonder what their child would have looked like, acted like, and what type of person he/she would have been. No matter how strong a woman is, an abortion causes mental anguish that never truly goes away. At least with adoption a mother or father has the chance to see what their child has become.

Whether you are for or against abortion, these 7 reasons why abortion should be illegal tend to cause the thought process to churn. 30 of the 50 states in the US had laws making abortion illegal, until the decision of Roe v. Wade nullified these restrictions. After 1973, abortions were made legal all through the US, yet many would be more than happy to see them made illegal once more. Do you feel abortion is a woman’s right or something that a third party should decide?

1 point

Everything else has evolved over the year, so why not the idea of abortion? Sure, abortion, child abandonment, and even infanticide were all once permitted under Roman law, but that doesn’t make them humane. Leaving your child on someone’s doorstep or committing murder are both considered a major penalty, so why not abortion?

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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Zhansulu Abdirazak
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: Kazakhstan

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