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Ahoghill's Debates: [clear]

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Winning Position: 'Themins', anyone but Joe.
Winning Position: Andy Is nom.
Winning Position: Critics would be cancelled.
Tied Positions: Veiled threat to Iran. vs. Time running out for Iran. LOL
Winning Position: Biden needs orders to function
Winning Position: It's cosy in denial.
Winning Position: We'll be more self efficient.
Winning Position: U S gas providers to cut back
Winning Position: Keep borrowing.
Tied Positions: Yes, we're on the up and up. vs. Inflation at a 31 year high.
Tied Positions: The legal system is rubbish. vs. Dumb Joe thinhs he knows best.
Winning Position: Jordan had covid in the summer
Winning Position: Keystone XL pipeline cancelled
Winning Position: No, they're knew the risks.
Winning Position: China is more focused.
Winning Position: Martin Luther King? No!
Winning Position: Recreational rioting is fun.
Winning Position: Why was he armed?
Winning Position: Snowmen used to be black.
Tied Positions: No, breeds false security. vs. It's an important level.
Tied Positions: Is this just a coincidence? vs. Expanding in all directions.
Winning Position: Water will find its own level.
Winning Position: Never did, never will learn.
Winning Position: All is free in America.

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