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LoveStargirl's Debates: [clear]

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Winning Position: Goodbye
Winning Position: Homework should be banned and heres why:
Winning Position: Yes,it doesnt matter about sex
Winning Position: No
Winning Position: Fantasy
Winning Position: Its cool...
Winning Position: Who is the funniest comedian?
Winning Position: Yeah, go ahead!
Winning Position: No
Winning Position: Nuisance
Winning Position: Tekken
Winning Position: Is it wrong to infiltrate people's tombs/burial grounds to learn about history or etc. ?
Winning Position: Modern video games
Winning Position: How long will it take for the planet to be a futuristic utopia?
Winning Position: Yes
Winning Position: What is the funniest Youtube video ever?
Winning Position: Who is your favorite cartoon villain?
Winning Position: No
Winning Position: No
Winning Position: No
Winning Position: Adele is awesome!
Winning Position: Why can't christains just accept athiests for what they believe in?
Winning Position: No

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