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Miocene's Debates: [clear]

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Winning Position: Country before party.
Winning Position: Boys will be boys.
Tied Positions: She OD'd on the ugly pills. vs. She's a double masker.
Winning Position: Most courageous of them.
Winning Position: Make it a ''come-all-ye''.
Winning Position: He kicked the virus into touch
Winning Position: No, this fantasy is global.
Winning Position: Postal voting is too dangerous
Winning Position: For the many, too many, benighted dummies in denial on CD to take heed.
Winning Position: They need parental guidance.
Tied Positions: She's a terrorist leader. vs. They vote for her.
Winning Position: As regular as clockwork.
Tied Positions: No, they would enjoy it. vs. Yes, pigs in pig-shit.
Winning Position: Violence can't help any cause.
Winning Position: No,sign of subjugation.
Winning Position: Maybe it's one.
Winning Position: Let them run amok unhindered.
Tied Positions: Such a move could backfire. vs. Less destruction/disruption.
Winning Position: Losers like to destruct.
Winning Position: Boycott the black rioters.
Winning Position: He used phsyical force first.
Winning Position: Should have followed Germany.
Winning Position: Hate filled subversives.
Winning Position: We like sounding clever on T.V

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