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ObamasGoblin's Debates: [clear]

All Debates You are browsing through all debates. You can refine the results by using the drop-down boxes above. You can view more information about each debate by clicking Show Details at right.

Winning Position: Why doesn't Bernie Sanders redistribute his wealth?
Winning Position: Not saying much
Winning Position: Lib talking points
Winning Position: Supreme Court upholds Trump travel ban
Winning Position: I learned about safe spaces
Winning Position: another lib lie
Winning Position: Yes
Tied Positions: FBI shmef Bee Eye vs. Back to normal
Winning Position: Fiction
Winning Position: Wand of no guns
Winning Position: gobbledeegoop
Winning Position: this many
Tied Positions: Dr Who is cool if you're gay vs. you did
Tied Positions: Spy Trump from USSR vs. Russian Liberal Trump
Winning Position: Weaponize politics
Winning Position: no
Winning Position: Qualitiez
Winning Position: lying more than Trump
Winning Position: Yes
Winning Position: truth
Winning Position: truth
Winning Position: Should
Winning Position: are not
Tied Positions: Disagree with you vs. Did deserve to be spied on

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