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0 points

Amen to you my good sir


B*tch please your the hypocrite what if someone does not like gay your telling people to like gays is forcing your crappy opinion on other people. gays were not meant to be women and men "fit" together for a reason they can make babies together for a reason. So stop pushing people to accept fags. And you cant talk about growing up, stop trying to promote being a fag because its "in" now.

Everyone Knows that women suffer from PMS that makes them act like ratchet B's Would people really want someone who gets uncontrollably angry every month, just to see a woman elected? And dont even talk about how women would wage less wars, There would still be wars just over dumb stuff.

That stupid Not all women are hardworking or responsible and well educated. Its been proven men are smarter (our brains are bigger) As for hard working, Who built almost every building in existence men did. Yeah you do see like two women construction workers but every other one is a man, you'd be a liar if you say differently. And women being well educated. That may be true in some cases but teachers are sexist in favor of girls, In fact everyone is sexist in favor of girls. thats prob why hillary is being elected

2 points

hello you dumb fools PMS causes women to act like crazy evil b*tches are you women that desperate for recognition that you would endanger our country to prove you ex boyfriend wrong. Because he did not "respect" women you people disgust me the only reason people want Hillary in the office is because shes a women anyone who would vote based on gender does not deserve the right to vote. Go ahead prove me wrong i dare you

Yeah he admitted to that but the girls consented to him giving them the pills so whats your point

Ohhhhhhhhhhh then how do you explain Albert Einstein Nikolai Tesla Thomas Edison and a whole Burch of others you do realize that women were useless dourning history right? men did the building and the fight and the growing and the hunting the reason they did not let wome do stuff is they did not earn it.

almost all the greatest historical figures have been men. face it boys are better than girls in every way so shut it.

for all the dang fools who think girls are smarter than boys explain to me why it was men who invented the lightbulb the gas mask the oven the telephone earphones and all that

123456789101(86) Clarified
1 point

you my good sir are one smart person bjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

god gave us free will you retarded faggot gays are just defective humans who deserve. to die. so shut up you worthless faggot

and that is why christians hate homo faggot ass freaks


Yes they are freaks of nature who (in my opinion) deserve to die. We humans were created to marry the opposite sex. why do you think women have holes (vagina's) were a mans penis can fit perfectly inside. and gays are like malfunctioned humans. they are like a computer virus. we have to eliminate it before it corrupts the world. if people were meant to be gay (aka worthless) then would we not be designed to accommodate people being faggoty freaks? answer me that faggoty freak supporters.


are you kiding me what kind of stupid faggot would choose gay over women

Yes they are freaks of nature who (in my opinion) deserve to die. We humans were created to marry the opposite sex. why do you think women have holes (vagina's) were a mans penis can fit perfectly inside. and gays are like malfunctioned humans. they are like a computer virus. we have to eliminate it before it corrupts the world. if people were meant to be gay (aka worthless) then would we not be designed to accommodate people being faggoty freaks? answer me that faggoty freak supporters.

uh the reason women are WEAK is because they were not made to be strong.

2 points

I think that you should be able to hit anyone in self defense seeing as someone is intent on doing you harm you dont think about if they are a man or woman. you think, Oh this person is trying to hurt me. and unless you want to get hurt then you do what you gotta do to ensure you safety. Am i right or am a wrong

123456789101(86) Clarified
2 points

well cartman what i mean is that nothing is nothing and it cant create anything so something, (ominous music plays) or SOMEONE must have started the universe

3 points

The universe couldn't have just gone pop and then boom everything there. Apparently it started as a dot spinning around super fast. and then it exploded into our universe.

What caused the spinning? how did the dot get there. there really isn't any logical about the big bang. on the other hand there is plenty logical evidence on god. I mean the earth isn't just the perfect distance form the sun on accident. our living conditions are literally perfect. that cant be by chance. think about that

Because the people who came up with say dragons. could not have just came up with ideas as the were eating their waffles. they had to have based the idea of of something they saw. for all we know back then people rode unicorns to school everyday. Take the man who invented the watch he based the watch of a of a clock, It did not just pop into his head

um i don't get beat up by teen girls. However i did see a story in the news that i wanted to hypothesis. a man was at the park when he say his kid getting beat up by other teens. now if someone were beating on my kid (if i had one) i would do what the father did witch was attack the teens with full force. seeing as that was his own flesh and blood. so i Ask you all this wouldn't any halfway decent father protect his kid with his life???????!!!!!!!!

That is all

Girls can do anything boys can do,

well its not true for multiple reasons and i think its stupid because they aren't proving anything.

Scientists can't be sure what the shape of space-time is, but most likely, it's flat (as opposed to spherical or even donut-shape) and stretches out infinitely. But if space-time goes on forever, then it must start repeating at some point, because there are a finite number of ways particles can be arranged in space and time.

So if you look far enough, you would encounter another version of you — in fact, infinite versions of you. Some of these twins will be doing exactly what you're doing right now, while others will have worn a different sweater this morning, and still others will have made vastly different career and life choices.

Because the observable universe extends only as far as light has had a chance to get in the 13.7 billion years since the Big Bang (that would be 13.7 billion light-years), the space-time beyond that distance can be considered to be its own separate universe. In this way, a multitude of universes exists next to each other in a giant patchwork quilt of universes. [Visualizations of Infinity: A Gallery]

dont spout out dub stuff on the internet dumb people+internet=catastrophe so before you go around saying stupid stuff find out what you talking about before hand.

then this kind of stuff would not happen

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