
20220595's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 20220595's arguments, looking across every debate.
20220595(2) Clarified
1 point

Why is the government harming us? they provide us services like infastructure, medical, utilities services, and many more services. Also, they keep peope in order by enforcing laws and having politicians running our nation. Then, our government invests our tax dolars into improving our servies listed above to give us a better life. Our government helps people follow laws and give freedoms to give people the best possible life. In conclusion i believe you're right about the government being necessary, but I believe they don't do harm to us.

1 point

Our government is important for keeping our lives the way it is right now because without the government, our lives would be worse. For exampe, we would not have the necessary snaitary services we like and heavily rely on. Also, water, electricity, and other utilities arent gauranteed to be the way the are today and could become dangerous. The weather service and GPS arent going to work because both services are government services. There are no reguations and inspectors are here to make sure all our products are 100 percent safe. Without the government, we would not be able to have safe infastructure, especiallly roads. Since there wont be any laws without government, people can do anything they want and desire. Witout government, you wont be gauranteed certified medications and government which could mean that you can end up with bad dictors and medications. You wont be able to acsess emergency services because the services are ran by the government. No banks and financial aids are available since those were ran by by the government. In conclusion, the life of the average person would be worse without government.

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