
52021068's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 52021068's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I disagree with this statement. Although taxation might seem threatening, we do gain benefits from it. Government can interfere with freedom, but it is in our best interest and it's main goal is to keep people safe. That is why we have to follow laws, that may seem limiting to our freedom but they are there to protect us. Also think of how many wars could happen without our government here protecting us. We would have no laws and people could go around doing whatever they please. It would be extremely dangerous without our government and that is why I think it is essential to have one.

1 point

In a world without government life would be chaos. There would be no jobs or public offices. This would result in pollution, lack of health and safety standards, and violence and crime rates would rise. Also how would you get food? Most people can't eve keep a simple garden alive so how would you expect them to grow their own food. People now where not raised to depend on themselves. We rely on others and the government is a big part of that. The government supplies us jobs. We pay taxes and in return we get many benefits. Because of our government we have houses, clean water, waste systems, farmers that supply us food. We also have criminal justice systems and laws to keep citizens safe. Our government keeps us together without it things could fall apart.

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