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This personal waterfall shows you all of AREKKUSU's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

This is certainly true. Many people who've been wrongfully sent to prison has sued the state for compensation. Even not all that recently I saw an article about a man who was wrongfully put into prison for a rape he didn't commit. He was in prison for 30 some years and proven innocent with DNA testing and was suing the state for 1mill.

I've never heard of anyone winning in such a trial, however. In history, I don't believe the government has ever really compensated anyone for the wrong doing they've done. The best they've ever done to compensate anyone for their wrong doing, probably, would be in the case of native american and giving then their 'reserves' or whatever. < And that certainly doesn't make up for all we've done to their people and their culture. That kinda drifts away from this topic, however.

2 points

Thoughts like this are why immigrant Americans are so commonly discriminated against. People who love america. Muslims are just people. Americans are just people. Shouldn't people get along with people? People = people after-all.

1 point

Well, someone is sounding like a terrorist... :O


1 point

Why is separation of religion and state bad? Other than the fact that we're not really separating it properly... Having the state follow a specific religion would lead to a lot of segregation against those who don't agree with the state majority's belief system.

1 point

What makes me dislike america the most is it's people. Not everyone, but america is a nation with a high percentage of people with lesser moral standards and education. What keeps it as a leading nation is merely the top 1% who hoards money, and the millions of people who practically, unknowingly, act like guinea pigs doing the work to keep the nation running.

2 points

Best country in the world? In what way?

"You have the right to do whatever job if you work hard. You are free to speak against the government and the freedom to be whatever religion you want to be."

There are a lot of countries like that out there.

1 point

Nah. I may be an American, but I've never loved this country nor it's people. I may love life, but America is nothing special.

1 point

If it's the same god as that of which is written about in the holy scriptures, god could merely banish the devil if he should so desire.

1 point

When I was younger I used to be big into the breasts. Now after having plenty of sexual experience I find an ass to be much easier to sexualize and get turned on by... Even though I hate the idea of anal. Anal aint attractive at all.

1 point

Nah, we Americans are the ones who need to be educated. I mean lets face it, we're idiots.

1 point

I don't particularly understand the choice in creating the electoral college. I think it should be the individual's vote, not the state's vote.

1 point

Happiness is good, unhappiness is bad. If porn can bring about more happiness than it can unhappiness then...

1 point

If someone is unjustly put in prison, and spends many years there... They're losing so much of their life... So much potential. All because of our incompetence. What ever happened to "Innocent until proven guilty"? Why is it "Guilty if likely" now of days? A person's life is worth more than that. I think every year that a person is unjustly held in prison they should be compensated at least 25 grand for the horror, if not 50+. Do you know how poorly people tend to be treated in places like that? Even in jail, not prison, before even being proven guilty, jail guards treat you like convicted felons. People don't deserve to be treated that way. Even when someone has done bad things in their life... Do you think showing them the world's cruelty is supposed to convince them to become better people? "People learn by example." - Then lets show them kindness in their rehabilitation, rather than judging them for their mistakes.

1 point

While in prison people are still living life, and they get their chance to work and make money. Just because a judge or jury decides to be stupid, they shouldn't take money from the american people because of the mistakes of the few.

1 point

I'd say yes only in the case that they clearly will not be rehabilitated. Repeat rapists, ect, ect. Life in prison is generally a waste of money... Although often enough people do get released from prison after being proven innocent after many years.

AREKKUSU(275) Clarified
1 point

That so? It was fun hearing that. Thanks for enlightening me to your beliefs.

1 point

God, from a believers stand point, is an 'all-powerful, all-knowing, all-kind" being. It's believed that such a being would be incapable of creating a world containing unexplained evil, which is why everything bad would have to be explained via a 'greater plan' of sorts. Denying that would be falling into the 'argument of evil', which is one of the leading arguments disputing the existence of god.

1 point

One can note: when fact checking Mr. Trump, he's been caught lying on camera more than... Well I'd assume more than any politician I've ever seen. I should say in his defense, his lies seems a lot related to his lack of knowledge in regards to topics he decides to talk about. I'd just hope before he tries making changes to the system we have in place, that he'd rely more on the advice of experts before he'd open his mouth.

1 point

All Americans? I don't expect our new president to favor all Americans.

1 point

The only U.S. party in america is money... >.> Kinda. Your beliefs and stances play a much smaller part in where you end up in politics.

AREKKUSU(275) Clarified
1 point

So you knew of god's existence before your birth? He must have contacted you in some sort of way. What did he say?

1 point

From a religious perspective, atheists would exist to challenge the beliefs of the faithful... To see if believers live unwavering.

But do atheists live for a purpose themselves? I'd guess so on that too. Even lacking faith, I still know atheists can contribute to society and bring happiness to others.

2 points

Why are believers always talking about atheists? It's natural for a being to debate that which conflicts with their belief. That's not to say that I think that all atheists converse about gods and deities all that often. I think it's just as common for them to keep to themselves... It could also just be to defend their stance, or to try to enlighten others to their way of view, not unlike many religious preachers do among many religions.

1 point

Atheists tend to believe with their senses. They'd come to the realization quite fast.

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